
Tip: Listening to any web page/blog


An very interesting web application that has just been updated and is very much worth checking into.

So many times I come across an excelent blog or web page, that is a bit too long, or simply do not have the time to read at that moment… ( yes, i save them to pocket – formerly known as readitlater, or bookmakr them depending on the page)? Especially challenged are those pages that are long.

Here comes SoundGecko.com

The service is very simple to use:

Basically you give the application your email and the URL you want to convert to an audio file, and almost immediately you will receive the mp3 file. The male voice is relaxed and very easy to listen to, although at times it does sound computerized ( which it is of course!). Makes me wonder if they will come out with a female voice…

More Interestingly if you sign up for the service, you are provided with a bit of space in which you can have your library and have access to the RSS feed to link from your favorite podcast listening software.

Now I can listen to the pages I was not able to get to during my car drive, or whenever I am…

Couple of things i think might be useful, which are missing:

  • A button, browser extention / plugin or to quickly send the page to the service
  • An iPad app ( there is one but it is for iPhone )
  • Ability to convert a PDF file – this would be awesome!
  • Female voice