
Online Income: First Research


This is part of a series (online income)

The first step  is a bit (maybe more than a bit) of education!

I started, of course, by going on  Google and typing “How to Make Money Online”    The first entry that was not an advertisement was:

Seth’s Blog: How to make money online


Seth is a guru!  — He has written several well know bestseller books and is well known out there..   So I think to myself, “Wow-This is cool… Would love to see his advice”  so I click on the search result..   What does the first paragraph in the blog post say?

The first step is to stop Googling things like, “how to make money online.” Not because you shouldn’t want to make money online, but because the stuff you’re going to find by doing that is going to help you lose money online. Sort of like asking a casino owner how to make money in Vegas…

What can I say other than right on! Putting aside the embarrassment (silly I know), I  have been avoiding doing this exactly BECAUSE of this…      So what now?   Keep reading his post… Smile   He has 21 points of advice…  Some of the key pieces of his advice (not in the same order as he wrote it) that still today resonated with me are:

  • Get rich slow
  • Focus on providing value and building trust (public reputation)
  • Obsessively specialize. No niche is too small if it’s yours.
  • Lead
  • Fail. Fail often and fail cheaply
  • Don’t quit your day job.

I pause to reflect, and absorb…   After a couple of days, I go back and keep educating myself.  I run into a lot of the “I can show you, if you buy this from me” type sites…     Then I ran into:  Pat Flynn’s  Smart Passive Income site.    What I found the MOST interesting thing about this article is that he is very transparent about his experience… He has published monthly income reports for his online business adventure, going back to his beginnings…  This alone is extraordinary!  (I think he was the first to do this, and not many have followed)   –

He has a podcast which I began to listen to.   Like I often do,  I go to the first podcast to see  what he is up to…   SPI 001 : Introduction | Show Formalities | What to Expect    I liked him so I keep listening…  to the next couple ones  where he talks about his approach and ideas (as opposed to him doing interviews).  They are:

Side note:  As I was researching this topic, I ran article from Internet Business Mastery  regarding micro sites or niche sites, which made me even more intrigued about this space..   They have a series of 4 short intro videos to making money using Micro Niches.   The 4th one  is an advertisement for their course, so please ignore it.. Al the up-sell, and instead focus on the process they go through –

For the next two weeks I spend my time listening to most of his podcasts.

What an incredible set of information!!

My recommendation is for everyone interested in this business listen to the majority of them.  The link to the RSS feed for these podcasts (starting back in 2010) all the way to his current  can be fun below:


Please read out series: Online Business