A Second Renaissance Ahead

Part of my Learning about NFT Series [ For my personal list of NFT Art Marketplaces see tracking list here ]
I wrote a bit about this already in my previous posts What are NFTs and My First NFTs
- Up until now, physical goods (paintings, sculptures, drawings, music sheet, autographs) were the only things that can be traded, auctioned sold and bought. You would put it the purchased item on your wall, bank safe, on a museum wall. Digital art (and artists) are no longer left out of the marketplace, and their art can now be traded with ease and security. What’s more, you could assign different types of rights (and values) to a digital piece depending on the owner’s desire. The possibilities that this opens are endless!
A few days ago I listened to Jack Conte’s YouTube piece and WOW! I was totally taken by the clear vision he presented for the future of creatives! —
The title of the video is Patreon just raised $155 MILLION, and he talks for about 3 minutes, congrats!, but the rest of it was about the second renaissance that is upon us and why he things this to be true. I am very thankful he made it public. It is a GREAT video which I think will be the blueprint for a lot to come.
Thanks Jack!