Newsflash: Hybrid-Cloud is Cloud

Much has been said about hybrid-cloud infrastructures in the past few months.
Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment which uses a mix of on-premises, private cloud and public cloud services with orchestration between the two platforms.
Hybrid Cloud is a hot topic where the discussion focuses on data security, costs and flexibility to market. Bottom line to me: Cloud computing, regardless of where it is placed (or named) – is Cloud.
However you may choose to deploy your particular environment (public, private or hybrid) the actual management of the environment requires IT professionals to shift minds. Old-fashioned IT departments were the owners of technology in the enterprise. Instead in today’s world you are choosing to manage a set of services, to support business capabilities, and not a set of hardware / software components. The planning, implementation and management of a specific set of hardware and software components is a thing of the past. IT organizations have become the broker to a set of core IT services that it may not fully control, own or manage. IT professionals must shift its perspective from owner to custodian.
The shift has happened: Cloud computing’s business model — the ability to rapidly provision IT services without large capital expenditures — has become the “How” and the “DO” of computing, regardless of its location.
The traditional role of the IT has shifted, from “build and run functions” to support the business capabilities of the enterprise. This is a significant change for internal IT professionals, VARs and system integrators who now must find the value they deliver beyond implementation or break/fix service.
The IT as a Business Series of articles included:
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