Tools, Products & Projects


This is a list of my current projects including blogs, tools, scripts, apps and other odds and ends I am working on. Hope this is helpful!

WordPress sites

I create, host and maintain many WordPress sites for friends, family and customers. Brochure sites, portfolio sites, membership sites, e-commerce, a short sample list include:

I also have developed several WordPress Plugins

Contact Me if you are thinking about a website!

404 appHandler

PHP script: I have often needed a 404 page handler to manage shortlinks and have tried many that did not work for me or are complicated. So I created my own using PHP script … Check it out!

Personal Tracker

A Microsoft Access based Tracking System – Track Leads, Opportunities, Contacts, and much more.

More Info here

Timeline Generator

A no-macro based Excel spreadsheet where you can easily create a timeline chart. Easy to use!

Download here

Retired Projects


A simple (no frills) tool to archive my Twitter postings in a simple table format.

More info


Easy to use timesheet-based time tracking system with lots of features!

More here

DayScheduler App

This is a web-app I developed to help provide visibility of daily availability and offer users the ability to request bookings. You can use it for free!

Website | Announcement

Event / Calendar Manager

Written in PHP with JSON data, an event calendar and registration system

More to come soon…

Stay Tuned!

Always working on all kinds of things… In the meantime swing by

my blog here