Welcome to my Personal Podcast!
Bits and pieces about myLife / myWork / myJourney
This is my personal podcast. It is a collection of short sessions (8 to 15 minutes long) about random topics (mostly personal stories).
Whatever is on my mind at the time.
The topics vary widely, as they will reflect whatever it is on my mind on that week. Tech, travel, family, life, work.
It started as an audio podcast, then started with video and also published to my YouTube channel. My intent with this podcast, is to
- learn and have fun
- get better along the way and have a record of the process.
- develop a routine and hold myself accountable to it
( I am not doing too well on that last one – but still posting! )
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Full List of Episodes Here

JORGEP041: Happy Fall Allergy Time
A life update of since my last podcast for a very busy in the last couple of months.

JORGEP040: Updates 2022001:Aug 2022-
New Episode (#40)of jorgep Podcast: Updates Aug 2022 0:00 Intro0:18 Inspiration for video1:08 The Power of Limitations2:24 Becoming an Artist4:25…

JORGEP039 – Updates 2021002: April 5-
New Episode of jorgep – Updates before entering summer :=====================: Thank you for Watching / listening! The audio version can…

JORGEP038: I am back (the last 12 months)
I am back. After over 2 years I am returning to vlogging. So much to tell. So many stories not…

JORGEP037: Remembering My Mom (Maru)
Mom passed away unexpectedly early this week. She will be greatly missed. No words.

JORGEP036: Costa Rica Visit 2018
In this episode, I tell a couple of stories from my latest visit to Costa Rica .

JORGEP035: Crafting with my Mom
Spend time with my mother in her crafting workshop and tell a couple of funny stories. Along the way I find out she was a video editor back in the day. Very cool!

JORGEP034: Caught Myself Planning
A quick recording made at the airport talking about keeping (or not) my airline status. WHY?

JORGEP033: Travellers Talk
In this episode I talked about my trip to the east-coast, millennials, the Hummer brand, and other topics. Hope you enjoy!

JORGEP032: Fall Day/Return from Vacation
Just returned from vacation and arrived into a beautiful fall day… My thoughts on catching up with email after being offline for a few days.

JORGEP031: Birthday Thoughts
I turned 55 this week — That means I begin my 56th year on earth ! — Just a short episode to reflect on the day, and thank everyone for they kindness in reaching out and wishing me a happy day!

JORGEP030: Stepping It Up – Now on YouTube!
On this. my 30th episode of this podcast, I step out of my comfort zone to introduce something new.: my YouTube Channel – Yes I am going into video while I continue to publish the audio version! Check out podcast!