

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and its predecesor (Server Update Servcices (SUS) has been around for 20+ years and has been the go to tool for many administrators to manage Windows updates. Windows Update for Business (WUfB) is a free “cloud service” hosted by Microsoft to keep Windows 10 devices up to date. WUfB is available…

Semi-Annual Channel(SAC) Targeted release will be retired

Semi-Annual Channel(SAC) Targeted release will be retired

Yep – you heard correctly! No more Semi-Annual Channel Targeted (aka CB) or  Semi-Annual Channel Broad (aka CBB) releases! Although this is not a new topic (John Wilcox gave us a heads up back in May 2018)    the Semi-Annual Channel(SAC) Targeted release (formerly known as CB or Current Branch) will be fully retired after…

Microsoft Managed Desktop Service

Microsoft Managed Desktop Service

Today Microsoft officially announced a new service:    Microsoft Managed Desktop or MMD. Although it was known Microsoft was working on this,  no official word or announcement has been published until now. We believe that MMD will be an option that allows organizations to fundamentally shift how they think about and manage their IT. Through MMD,…

Microsoft announcement: WaaS and Windows 7

Microsoft announcement: WaaS and Windows 7

There was a very significant announcement that was made public today. Summary of announcement: Longer Windows 10 servicing for enterprises and educational institutions moving from 18 month cycle to  a 30 month cycle. (per version) Windows 7 Extended Security Updates:  Microsoft will offer paid Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) through January 2023. Not sure…

Microsoft Platform: Workspace Transformation

Microsoft Platform: Workspace Transformation

Workspace transformation is gaining  lot of momentum at the moment.   At its core,  it is about letting users access data and applications securely anywhere anytime.   Enabling users to quickly provision their devices is only part of the story.   Request applications so they can quickly securely access the  data without the large bureaucracy associated with IT…