Personal Posts
Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings
Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.
You can also view myWork Related Posts here

Web 2010 Strategies for Business
A very good presentation was posted on a couple of days ago. It is titled “Web 2010 Discover Ten Strategies Defining Your Business Future” by Jay Berkowitz, and it talks about some of the key strategies driving successful business on the Internet – Definitely a must see! Summary of the first five follow: #1….

Web 2010 Strategies for Business.
A very good presentation was posted on a couple of days ago. It is titled “Web 2010 Discover Ten Strategies Defining Your Business Future” by Jay Berkowitz, and it talks about some of the key strategies driving successful business on the Internet – Definitely a must see! Summary of the first five follow: #1….

June Blues
Had to stay over the weekend because of early Monday business meetings. Crazy June cold weather here – Snowing a bit where I am right now… Wishing I was home – where is fun, nice, sunny and warm. — Will miss lots of family and friends activities this weekend. Bummer!

Google Wave Announcement
Yesterday, during the keynote on day two of the Google I/O Conference , Google presented the vision their vision for collaboration and communication platform which they have called it – very appropriately – Google Wave. It has been a long time – since I have been so excited about how can we use technology to…

Google Notebook Discontinued
I have been a great fan of Google Notebook feature for many years. I have posted many ideas, things to remember, web clippings and a number of other items there. I am not sure how I missed this news, but as I was rebuilding my computer and adding my browser extensions, I got the message…

Went out today to find toner for my LaserJet printer, and I almost flipped! Checked three places and the toner (at all three places) was over $124.00 – Crazy! – What happened to toner pricing? I used to buy it for $80.00 tops. I went online and decided to buy it from which had…

Puppies can be so much fun
We got a new puppy a couple of weeks back. Sha has been fun and has given us lots of laughs. Just for fun, and to learn – I posted the video on You Tube. Enjoy!

Cloud Computing – Basics
Microsoft’ Ron Markezich, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Online, made available a basic but interesting video on his views on cloud computing adoption which he expressed at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium in Boston, MA For one thing, chief information officers are uncertain how to fashion a roadmap that brings “cloud services” into their IT architecture….

Contacts from Email Signatures
I have a good friend that introduced me to Anagram – a tool that allows you to highlight a section of an email and it will convert it into an outlook contact. — I tried it for a couple of weeks (during the trial period) and I found it VERY useful. Unfortunatelly, not 34.95 worth…

Changed the Blog’s Style
I just changed the style of the blog today. Looking at it all — blog, facebook, twitter, website – I need to simplyfy –

Rats! – It has been over a year!
Yes, it is really shameful. It has been several months since I posted any thing to this site. Really not good. So many things have transpired. It really is not a matter of time, but focus. First with work. Then with the new position And then with the travel… I started to do Facebook and…

It’s a fresh coat of paint… For all of us!
Those of you following the business sections of the IT rags will know this already. As of today, CompuCom has closed its acquisition of Getronics North America. Among other things, that means all of us got new email addresses tonight. We are excited to see what the future holds for our group, and we will…

Online Project Management Tool Requirements
I have been checking online tools to help me manage projects collaboratively amongst a diverse virtual team. A few simple requirements I consider baseline are: Overall dashboard for Program Weekly Program Status Reports (entry / editing ) Ability to enter project status reports Ability to have multiple projects under one category Issue tracking – Ability…

DaaS and SaaS – ” …dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!”
Desktone ( and more pointedly the generic term DaaS or desktop as a service is being bandied about and will help (I say “help” in jest) to muddy the terminology waters and give us a new buzz word. Really, I think DaaS has legs and will see favorable acceptance with the “greening” of IT with…

Green IT & Infrastructure Optimization: Are they compatable?
Infrastructure Optimization opens the door for Green Computing with the ability to reduce overall costs via reducing power consumption through virtualization and by making better use of IT resources by more efficiently distributing workload amongst idle system resources rather than introducing additional systems.

Juiced App’s and OS’es
Brian Tinham over at Manufacturing Computer Solutions leads with a posting about Window’s 2008 Server Core offering – cool stuff. Even cooler for the virtual-set is the prospect of using the application formerly known as SoftGrid in a “what if” scenario to virtualize OS’es in a way that we don’t have in today’s Microsoft SoftGrid….

Virtually Speaking: Presenting — Presentation Virtualization – redux
Amy Newman over at in her VirtualzationWatch column helps to clear the virtual haze that is virtual presentation. Glad someone is speaking to this – in the 30 plus years of virtualization each market segment hasn’t been able to define itself all that clearly. Thanks Amy. The cool thing about application virtualization with Microsoft’s…

Citrix + Softricity + Microsoft – Softricity = ?
In the old days, Softricity was a partner of Citrix. Citrix is a partner of Microsoft. And Softricity was a partner of Microsoft, but is now part of Microsoft. See where this is going? When Softricity was acquired, there was some industry speculation as to what would happen to the great interoperability between SoftGrid and…

Free Webinar: Desktop Management – The Business Value of Application Virtualization
I thought some of you might be interested in a free event that our team is putting on, centered around the business value of virtualizing applications. For Infrastructure Optimization wonks like myself, this technology is poised to become the centerpiece of many future IO engagements for me and our team. Registration is free, and the webinar is an hour long.

[Tools]: Sysinternals AutoRun updated
Microsoft recently released an updated version of the SysInternals AutoRun tool, which is absolutely in my daily toolbox when troubleshooting desktops. What runs at startup on your machine? Like detail? It’s compatible with Vista now, and comes with a command-line version, for you automation folks. Get it.

Hello, World – Welcome to InfraOps
Greetings, everyone! We’re the Infrastructure Optimization team at Getronics, and we’ve decided to start a blog. After years of internal discovery, we thought it might be a good idea to give back to the community, by sharing some of our thoughts and findings around the topic of Infrastructure Optimization.

Newsworthy… does it again ! A quick follow-up to my December 29, 2007 posting , Sony/BMG has joined the bandwagon to offer their music catalog through the Amazon DRM-free service. This makes all of the major record label’s catalogs available there. – Now that is cool (and something that iTunes can not claim)

Washington, DC Visit
I was in Washington, DC this week and had the chance to take sometime to visit the Smithsonian Museums… It was trully a treat, and wanted to share just a couple of highlights…: ENIAC’s – **The** 1947 technology (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer ) — Wow – It seemed a bit rusty – but that is where…

Two Weeks In Costa Rica 2006
Couple of years ago, we had a fantastic trip to Costa Rica. Although I have been there many times, this time we were accompanied by family friends (another family of 4) and felt a bit of the pressure to show them a memorable time. So much to see! Not enough to cover…

DRM-free Music – is now mainstream?
Very Interesting to see the latest announcement from on Dec 27 in which they told the world that “Warner joins EMI, Universal Music Group nd a pack of independent labels that sell so-called digital rights management-free music in Amazon MP3, at the company’s music store.“ It will be interesting to see how DRM-based services…

Getting back to this…
Wow – It has been quite a while since I posted to this site. It has been 6 months of changes (including a job change…) and lots of other things going on… – Not to serve as an excuse – just a reality of priorities.. Will try to post more often for sure. Cheers!

Ecommerce Presentation
Back in 1998 I did an e-commerce presentation regarding how important branding is across every step of the purchasing cycle and presentation… This was back in 1998! — I end-up posting in back in 2006 and I still getting ping about it. The power of the long tail! [slideshare id=21733&doc=ecommerce-101-brand-promise-12976&w=400]

Hello Blogging world!
Ok – so I have chosen to begin my blog. This is your first post. Wow! – Iit is hard to beleive I am just getting into this… All of us write so many emails on a daily bases… Some of the thoughts in them should definitelly make it to the light of day… —…