Personal Posts
Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings
Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.
You can also view myWork Related Posts here

Off-Road Tales: Afternoon Discovery
This was a 2 hour afternoon ride in the back roads west of Munds Park area of the Coconino National Forest. It was a beatiful afternoon with a little Mud! The Route Equipment: I got lost a couple of times ( turn right instead of left), found a little muddy (yeah!) and I got into…

Off-Road Tales: Schnebly Hill Vista
This ride took place in the back roads west of Munds Park, Arizona inside the Coconino National Forest. The Schnebly Hill Vista is only 15 minutes away from Munds Park and it has a great The Route Equipment: The ride with my wife, was a short 60 minutes round trip and we stopped at 2…

Messy: Twitter, X, X Pro, TweetDeck
Much has been said about the transformation of Twitter into X over the past few months after it was taken private by Elon Musk. I completely understand that many things needed to change, but the loss of the APIs and TweetDeck are significant challenges for most of us in the personal space and small business…

Off-Road Tales: Thomas Point Trail View
This ride was about 1 hour 45 minutes round trip and the road ends with a beautiful view of 1400 feet above 89A Call of the Canyon and Cave Spring Area and where we were standing was about 5800 feet elevation. The Route Equipment: UTV Polaris RZR EFI 900XP Video: Dragon Camera Do not forget…

Off-Road Tales: 20230723 – East Buzzard Point Ride
This ride was about 4 hours round trip – It is the first ride I follow someone. I later found out that the place we went to is called: East Buzzard Point Ride The Route Equipment: This ride was led by a cabin neighbor of ours, Al, who has been doing and leading rides. he…

New Hobby – Off Roading
A few weeks back we purchased a used Polaris RZR Side-by-Side (SxS) to start doing some off-roading. So much fun ! I am not new to off-road, as I grew up in a country where it was pretty common to need to do it, but I have not done it in SOOOOO many years. Back…

Off-Road Tales: 20230708-MundsPark-to-Sedona (First Flat Tire!)
Ride: Hellgate Wilderness Trail and Hieroglyphic Mountain Loop The Route Equipment: See: photos of the day below I have been puzzled by the road from Munds Park to Sedona downtown. The first 8 miles are pretty easy and staight forward. Just a dirt road. Lots of regular cards get to see the views from the…

Behind the scenes: World of Lobsters
Discover the intriguing world of lobsters with our comprehensive guide. Learn about their anatomy, habitat, behavior, and more. Find out how long they can live and why they’re considered a culinary delicacy.

Exploring the Fascinating World of Lobsters
Discover the intriguing world of lobsters with our comprehensive guide. Learn about their anatomy, habitat, behavior, and more. Find out how long they can live and why they’re considered a culinary delicacy.

AI to Disrupt Education
AI: The possibilities are limitless. One of the best examples of how we need to rethink things is provided by Kahn Academy and the work they are doing to reimagine education. The concept of having a high-quality personalized education program with a lifetime personal tutor / coach and assistant to anyone with a phone is…

AI Risks Points of View
Part of the Work Beyond Tomorrow Article Series Last night I watched a session in which I think these guys from @HumaneTech_ make some very good points on the risk of the exponential growth and adoption of current #artificialintelligence implementations @HumaneTech_ Points well made. Made me think of what people said back in the days…

AI Related Videos This Week
The conversation about Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, AI-Bots and such is absolutely everywhere. I was at a social meeting the other day, and the topic was raised. It interesting that this is a conversation in the minds of the general public now. It is a conversation. that has many legs and many view points. I…

Preparing to Print Digital Art
This article is part of the Digital Art Series What should I look for when preparing a file? When preparing a file for digital printing, there are several things to consider to ensure that your print comes out looking great: By following these guidelines and ensuring that your file is of the correct resolution, color space,…

Moving to Selling Digital
This article is part of the Digital Art Series For the past few years, I have always been passionate about creating art. It is not only a hobby, but I now look at it as a great way to fulfill my creative side, but also earn extra money. While selling art at farmers markets and festivals…

Chat GPT – Digital Art conversation
This article is part of the Digital Art Series This is the transcript of a conversation I had (yes conversation) with Chat GPT about digital art. Keep in mind that ChatGPT from OpenAI is the first limited release of this “engine/platform” I must say that it was so much better experience than just using Google Search….

Business Dealing The Great Resignation
There used to be 6 people working daily here. Now they can cover it with just 2 Businesses need to adapt to changing and challenging times. A picture is worth… Solving #thegreatresignation #NewNormal #futureofwork #change

Combined Two of My Blogs…
This weekend I folded into — I have been thinking about doing this for a while and combining the two sites, but, frankly, I have been lazy in actually pulling the trigger to do it, as it is a lot of work to do and not loose the data / links and such….

Moved the Site
Over the weekend I moved my site to a new hosting provider. Although things are much easier than years ago, it is not a trivial task/project. My website platform is WordPress and I have been using it for many (15+) years. It is an amazing content management system (CMS) tool. Over the years, I have…

Deductible Business Expenses Categories for Small Businesses
One of the benefits of small businesses ( sole proprietor or LLC) is that certain expenses can be deducted before taxes. The IRS has defined business expenses as “the cost of carrying on a trade or business,” going on to say that these expenses are usually deductible if the business operates to make a profit….

Chip Market 2022- Explanation
Really interesting series of reports on CNBC regarding the state of chip manufacturing and who is in the lead of it all. It is three documentaries broadcasted over the past year, that were put together into one video. It is amazing to see how Intel was the first, and lost its lead and way along…

4 Monitors on Laptop
I have the need to attach 4 monitors to my Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1 laptop and I came across a bit of a challenge which I did not know about… Recording this to help others in case they come across this issue. Not all laptops are alike, but like many laptops out there, like the…

YouTube Story – Perseverance
I just finished watching a new (to me) awesome video in the YouTube Hook channel about the story of YouTube titled “How YouTube Was Made” It was so good that I had to post something about it… Even though I have heard some of this before- this video tells the entire story – the good…

WordPress 6.0 onwards!
Although this is being touted as an incremental update, the sheer number of fixes, updates and new features, not to mention the “6.0” name, make it a big update to me. ( also known with codename “Arturo” ) Yep – just finished updating all of the sites I manage — easy and straight forward. (always…

WordPress Backup Tools (2022)
It is time to re-evaluate the backup workflow and tools I use for my websites and some that I support. I do this every couple of years hoping something has changed to make it better. With the release of WordPress 6.0 this week, I needed to backup each site before updating them, so this forced…

File Explorer Replacement
With the latest news of the new File Explorer for Windows 11, I got to wonder about other features and File Explorer replacements are out there and was very surprised with my findings. One of the new capabilities Microsoft is talking about in their File Explorer app is the multiple tabs feature which is a…

Intune Group Tags Dynamic Assignment
Windows Autopilot registered devices is a great way to automate the deployment process without much of technician interaction. Aside from the device profile you can execute when a registered device is recognized, you can use Group Tags ( See Group Tags Blog post ) to further customized the desktop to the user or role that…

The Only Right Speed Is Faster
What a statement to make. First time I heard it is on a from Bill Briggs, CTO of Deloitte in the CXO podcast a couple of months back.

Weeping for the Ukraine People
It has been 2 months now since Russia invaded the Ukraine and the atrocities, pictures are just beyond words. Every day I troll the news from around the world hoping for some sort hope ahead, but so far nothing… I watch the commentaries, the explanations and consequences ahead ( food related ) and I come…