Personal Posts
Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings
Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.
You can also view myWork Related Posts here

WordPress Site Configuration
WordPress is a pretty amazing platform…. I continue to be amazed at the ecosystem it has… There are over 59 Million WordPress sites in the world, and over 23,000 plugins! By now, I have done several dozen WordPress sites, and thought it would be a good idea to share how I typically configure (plugins) these…

Are things getting smaller?
I am not sure if it is only in my area, but have you noticed products come in the same size packages, but have more packaging, and less product inside ? I have noticed this in crackers (Saltines), honey graham cookies, aspirin, vitamins, and many other products out there… The latest, and what prompted me…

HTML Tables Experiment
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iNove Theme Change to Support Custom Menu
Like so many out there, I have been using the iNove v1.4.6 (by mg12) theme forever! It has been very stable, reliable and I’ve gotten used to it. I like it a lot.. I try to stick to “out of box” and make no modifications to the theme files, but one thing has bug me…

Manage Digital Downloads from within WordPress
I have been looking for a way to manage digital downloads from within my WordPress site for a while. I have tried several plugins, but have never come across one that had all of the basic needs I was looking for. Then I came across Easy Digital Downloads by Pippin`s Plugins. WOW! — It is…

Full Image Backup Free Tools
Backups should be top of mind for everyone, but it is especially critical when you upgrade your OS. Creating a full-image backup is – in my opinion – a must have before begining the upgrade process.. There are a number of free drive backup software (imaging, cloning) that can be created to a second hard…

Going Paperless: Paper Waste Info Chart
Even with all of our electronics, digital devices and such, paper waste is still tremendous… A single one-terabyte external drive can save as many as 500 million sheets of paper. A 150-page employee manual — pretty massive in real life — takes up less than 7.5% of a four-gigabyte flash drive. An entire filing cabinet’s worth of…

Photo Gallery Added..
Been meaning to add a photo gallery to this site for a while, and I finally got around to doing it.[lg_image folder=”Markets/” image=”20100320121528.jpg” align=”right” display=”thumb”] I do not consider myself a photographer (not even amateur), but from time to time, I get lucky and I say to my self, “darn that is a good photo…

The Future of Digital
One of the best presentations I have seen regarding digital content. Absolutely full of of fact and bit of info… 137 pages! It covers every aspect of the digital movement. I can’t think of anything missing… BIG kudos (and thank you) to Business Insider for making it available to all! Highly recommended viewing!…

I am Fine, Thanks…
Just last week, I received an email letting me know that the documentary was completed for kickstarter project: I am Fine Thanks . This is something I did not fund, but was looking to see how it would turn out. I downloaded the movie ($5.00 DRM free) and watched it on a plane ride.. Bottom…

Going Paperless Flowchart
Sometimes, we just have to tip our hat to other bloggers that have excellent articles they have published on tips and tricks for going paperless.. This one is about a flowchart on how to go paperless! Going paperless is not easy or trivial. It is a hard choice! This is why when we find…

Tips for Effective BYOD Management
The quintessential smartphone has evolved from a high-end consumer product for the executive level business person, to a common man’s necessity. Taking this development into consideration, businesses are now considering implementing Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs with an aim to drive employee productivity using new technology. Managing BYOD Whether you already permit your personnel to bring their…

The wave ahead: Digital Content on 200 Million tablets
In one of my previous postings, I talked about the amazing growth of digital content fueled, as of late, by tablet devices. One industry that is being forced to change leaps and bounds is the publishing industry. Just last week, it was leaked that two major player in this space, Random House and Penguin, were…

The Paperless Paradox
“The dream of going paperless has been a pervasive part of our discourse for years but has yet to materialize.” I bet there are at least 50 articles, right now that you can search for in your browser that start that same way. I bet also that each of these articles offers some revolutionary approach,…

New Samsung Chromebook
I really like the concept of Chrome OS – with so many places now where WiFi is enabled and mobile phones becoming wifi routers it is beginning to make sense… I have been considering a Chrome OS based machine for a while, but frankly, I think the prices have been a bit too high… I…

Facebook Effect Book Read.
I just read (eh-hum) listen to the book Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick which was published back in 2010, but never got around to reading… What a fascinating and intriguing book. It really is an unprecedented behind the scenes look a Facebook’s journey from its college origins, to raising capital, to feature introduction, to Twitter compete,…

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat
This week, Microsoft was the latest to enter the tablet device marketplace with its Surface device. Earlier this year, Google released the Google Nexus 7 to compete in the ever-growing tablet market place along with iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire, and so many others… (The 2012-2013 holiday season will be an interesting one!)

Logo – This is cool !
This was an experiment. I sent the logo file in .png format and this is was returned 3 days later… [youtube_sc url=”” rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″] The price was fixed fee: $5.00…

Online Income: Useful Pointers
This is part of a series (online business journey) With your comments plus other findings I come acress, I plan to continue to update list in the future…This is different than the resources page on the site, as it does not contain any affiliate links. This is for pure reference for everyone to see. Side…

Enabling Plugin to Auto-post to Twitter
I have just enabled plug in WP to Twitter so I can auto-issue tweets based on a particular category. Working smoothly. Nice work Joseph Dolson !

Going Paperless Means Backups
STOP!!! If you’ve started the process of going paperless in your home or office you need to stop and ask yourself one question, “since I started going paperless have I backed up any of these new files?” If the answer to that question is anything but yes, you need to start working on a data…

Link Redirection and Count
Every book, eBook, blog and podcast I have read, mentions the same thing: You got to be able to account for your incoming and outgoing traffic. When setting up blog you must be able to track your statistics (not only the people coming in, but also which links within the site are more effective than…

Online Income: Research Summary 1
This is part of a series (online business journey) As mentioned in the previous post First Research, I began the process by doing a bit of research. After the first couple of weeks of reading and listening to a number of resources (will post them separately, a bit of a theme started to resonate with…

Online Income: My Goals
This is part of a series (online business journey) Now that I have listed a few of the items I have learned through the research, I need to write down my goals and objectives so I can Long Term Goal: Disconnect my income stream from the hours I actually work. Being able to live and…

Test of AutoTweet from WordPress
I wanted to be able to automatically send a tweet when a new blog post was published… After looking at several options, I settled on WP to Twitter Plug in By Joseph Dolson. This is a post to test the newly installed WP to Twitter plugin. Great

Enabled a link redirection within the site.
One common thing everyone has mentioned when setting up blogs is that you must be able to track your statistics (not only the people coming in, but also which links within the site are more effective than others, so I 16ot on to searching… My requirements were simple: easy to use within the administration site not…

Paperless: Selecting a Digital Format
When planning to convert your office from traditional file storage to a paperless office it is important to consider what file format – digital format – will provide the most benefits before you implement anything. When your office is paperless, it’s important to find a file format that is secure, widely used, publicly available and…

Online Income: First Research
This is part of a series (online income) The first step is a bit (maybe more than a bit) of education! I started, of course, by going on Google and typing “How to Make Money Online” The first entry that was not an advertisement was: