Microsoft Assessment MAP Toolkit and Planning Toolkit 4.0 Released

Microsoft Assessment MAP Toolkit and Planning Toolkit 4.0 Released

Some of us have been using it already, but just in case you did not know, MAP 4.0 is now officially released. As you would expect,most of the changes are around Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Hyper-V, but there is much more.   Definitelly a good upgrade!   According to the official release, key new features…

Google Wave News

Google Wave News

The IT industry is all about change.  Change to make thing better, most efficient, response faster, while still reducing cost…  At least in theory.   In the past couple of years, there has been a significant transformation occurring.   The move to Cloud Computing has been slowly transforming everything – and I mean *everything*.  from the way we look at hardware…

Google’s Wave

Google’s Wave

We have typically focused our articles on Microsoft and related technologies. This one will  change that trend a bit, as what we heard and saw is – in our view – significant  announcement from Google. Yesterday, during the keynote on day 2of  the Google I/O Conference  , Google demonstrated (literally) the vision they are heading towards, and they…

The AppCompat Guy

The AppCompat Guy

Article by Rob West As Windows 7 relieves a lot of the pent-up demand for a new OS from Microsoft and unblocks the anti-Vista sentiment that has been one of the major impediments to widespread enterprise adoption of what was (in our opinion) a great OS in its later iterations, we are seeing greater demand…

Cloud Computing – Basics

Cloud Computing – Basics

Microsoft’ Ron Markezich, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Online,  made available  a basic but interesting video  on his views on cloud computing adoption which he expressed at the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium in Boston, MA For one thing, chief information officers are uncertain how to fashion a roadmap that brings “cloud services” into their IT architecture….

Webcast ahead: How Microsoft IT Deploys Application Virtualization

Webcast ahead: How Microsoft IT Deploys Application Virtualization

Upcoming  Webcast: How Microsoft IT Deploys Application Virtualization The MDOP team has announced that on May 26th TechNet will host  a  webcast  to discuss how Microsoft uses App-V 4.5 and ConfigMgr 2007 to deploy and manage applications within their environment.  if it is anything like the one at MMS2009 it should be an interesting one.  Click…

MMS 2009

MMS 2009

One of our esteemed contributors, Jorge Pereira, has the good fortune of being at #MMS09 this year, and has been energized by what he’s heard. He’s probably gearing up for some posts outlining his thoughts on what’s happening in the center of the Microverse.



If you’re a twitaholic, and you like our posts, you may want to follow us on Twitter: Tweets by infraops We’re doing more of the short one-off posts there, and expanding the more interesting bits into articles here. Hope you’ll tune in and tweet with us!

MDOP 2009 released

MDOP 2009 released

A new version of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) was realsed early April and includes includes MED-V v1.0, a cummulative update to App-V andupdate to  AIS.    This update  has been a much anticipated primarily because of MED-V which is finally available under the Microsoft name.   The official posting at the MDOP blog…

New Vision Desktop Management – Article Series

New Vision Desktop Management – Article Series

Desktop management is now a critical function of IT services within any organization. Historically, standalone computers and small networks did not require much centralization and management. However, rapid technological advancements, network size growth and the proliferation of the Internet have driven the need for advanced desktop management solutions. The Vision:  “Power and flexibility of a…

The InfraOps Blog…

The InfraOps Blog…

Article by Rob West …was reborn this month. We’ve been traveling, speaking and writing so much that we haven’t had enough time to write to this blog. Well, that’s dumb, and has to stop, so I’m personally committing at least 2 hours of my week to doing the bare minimum: hunting down a few cool…

How to Integrate App-V into SCCM without losing the features you care about

How to Integrate App-V into SCCM without losing the features you care about

Article by Rob West Over on the Innovative Technology Weblog, my former colleague Kevin Reejuwijk has posted a great article about one my greatest excitements/disappointments in IT in awhile: the kind of bait n’ switch (IMO) integration of App-V and SCCM. App-V traditionally tells a user-centric story, but when integrated with SCCM, becomes more akin…

A New Vision for Desktop Management – White Paper

A New Vision for Desktop Management – White Paper

A couple of years ago, a couple of colleagues and I created a two-part white paper on Desktop Management  which I  never published here…   Still very relevant so  here you go.. A New Vision for Desktop Management White Paper by Jorge Pereira, Sean Kennedy, Rob West December 2006 Desktop Management has remained largely unchanged over…

Microsoft’s BPOS Offering / Cloud Computing…

Microsoft’s BPOS Offering / Cloud Computing…

Microsoft’s Business productivity Online Services (BPOS) is getting ready to officially launch within a few weeks… They have moved all beta users in to release candidate code and are in high gear recruiting partners, as their strategy is 100% partner attachment for these services…  ( We are hoping this to be the case for many years…

Microsoft Optimized Deskop strategy presentation

Microsoft Optimized Deskop strategy presentation

PDF of a slide deck on Microsoft’s vision for the Optimized Desktop. This sounds very familiar to us old hats. Download details: The Microsoft Optimized Desktop Strategy by Jeff Johnson, Enterprise Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation Presentation Deck The Microsoft Optimized Desktop Strategy by Jeff Johnson, Enterprise Technology Specialist, Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft will spend $8B to catch up in cloud computing

Microsoft will spend $8B to catch up in cloud computing

A stunning piece of news that I would have been incredulous to hear if I hadn’t been there when they said it. I think Microsoft is taking some great steps in a thought-leadership position. Sure, they’re buying their way into markets, but that’s what they excel at, and if you’re watching closely, and ignoring the…

App-V Podcast

App-V Podcast

Download details: AppV™ Application Virtualization WWindows Springboard Series: AppV™ Application VirtualizationKarri Alexion-Tiernan, Director in the Windows Client division, unveils the latest version of this technology for virtualizing applications to reduce application-to-application conflicts and improve manageability.

MDOP 2008 R2 RTM

MDOP 2008 R2 RTM

Huzzah! MDOP has been updated! The App-V Blog : MDOP 2008 R2 Releases to Manufacturing! MDOP 2008 R2 Releases to Manufacturing! In case you missed all the fireworks and champagne corks yesterday it was in celebration of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2008 R2 being released to manufacturing. Of course you already know that this version…

App-V 4.5 RTMs

App-V 4.5 RTMs

Well, we missed posting the scoop on this, as we were all at the Microsoft Virtualization Launch yesterday in Bellevue, rocking out to Live and having a grand time. By the time we all got home, none of us were very fit to post, and then today was a work day. The good news is,…

[GreenIT] SMS Companion v3 – Advanced Scheduling and Power Management

[GreenIT] SMS Companion v3 – Advanced Scheduling and Power Management

I always visit SMS SCCM Expert in my rotation of must-check-for-update websites. They really develop some excellent addons and enhancements for my favorite systems management platform. One of their products that I had not really heard too much about struck me today. Let me back up: I’ve been wondering more and more about what part…

4Sysops review on Altiris SVS Professional Streaming System

4Sysops review on Altiris SVS Professional Streaming System

With Symantec’s purchase of AppStream, the application virtualization story is starting to get more complicated. If you’re a long time SoftGrid/App-V fan, you should read this story. It sounds a lot like the old days. As Microsoft’s product begins to retreat back to the machine-centric model, Symantec’s AppStream duplicates some of classic SoftGrid’s best (IMO)…

Updated WAIK documentation

Updated WAIK documentation

Hey Deploymentfolk – Getcher red-hot documentation updates for the WAIK. The following site links to Microsoft downloads, and provides replacement documentation for the RTM version. Download details: Windows AIK User’s Guide and Unattended Setup Reference (Documentation Update 1) The Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) is designed to help Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), system builders,…

Windows 3.11 is dead

Windows 3.11 is dead

Say it ain’t so… SOURCE: John Coyne’s Embedded Blog : It’s the End for 3.11!! It’s the End for 3.11!! for those that were not aware, we recently announced that effective November 1st, 2008, OEM’s will no longer be able to license Windows for Workgroups 3.11 in the embedded channel. Now we all know that…

Getronics North America – Sold

Getronics North America – Sold

We heard today that Compucom has agreed to aquire Getronics’ North American operations including operations in the United States, the operations in Canada and the Global Service Centre in Mexico. You can see the press release from both companies at the following: Compucom: CompuCom Systems Signs Definitive Agreement Getronics:    Getronics enters into strategic partnership…  

Recognition for our work!

Recognition for our work!

We are extremely  pleased and honored that Microsoft has recognized Getronics work and continued support in fiscal year 2008. Specifically for our USA team, we were selected as a finalist in the category of   Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Systems Management (LiveID required) for our Getronics Virtualization Services : Enabling adoption and management of virtualization technologies in enterprise…

Crosspost: Tech-Ed Keynote Highlits “Dynamic IT” and Virtualization

Crosspost: Tech-Ed Keynote Highlits “Dynamic IT” and Virtualization

Not to brag, but we’ve been preaching this message since we were knee-high to a rack full of blades. It’s good though: the more this story gets out there, the more everyone who listens will win. Tech-Ed Keynote Highlights ‘Dynamic IT’ and Virtualization June 10, 2008 • by Kurt Mackie Microsoft’s Tech-Ed North America event…

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.1 Beta

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 3.1 Beta

Over my years as an IT consultant, it’s become clear that assessing a client’s infrastructure and systems is a time-consuming and tedious task. And, horror of horrors, what do you do if the client is not running any systems management software (read: SMS/SCCM, please!)? Well, you hunker down for some challenging work, and you pray…

2008 Year of change

2008 Year of change

Windows Vista has been out for a while now and hardware and software vendors have had time to update their drivers, apps, interface, etc. to the new operating system. Nevertheless (and this happens all the time) some specialized application vendors still will not support Vista and as a result, Windows XP and 2000 will remain…

New Data on Vista Adoption

New Data on Vista Adoption

With 150 million licenses shipped in FY’2008 (see Steve Balmer’s report,) we are always looking for news on Vista adoption. A list of recently posted articles on the Microsoft site follows: The white paper entitled “Windows Feature Comparison” compares the features and capabilities of Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1 based on five categories:…

A Good Week for MDOP

A Good Week for MDOP

Last week we had the pleasure of spending time with Shanen Boettcher, General Manager of Windows Product Management for the enterprise at the Redmond stop of his week-long press tour.. It was great to see first hand how much has MDOP plays a strategic role in the Microsoft’s desktop stack… He told the press that…

It’s 11:00 PM – Do you know who your Remote Workers are and how they connect to the your network?

It’s 11:00 PM – Do you know who your Remote Workers are and how they connect to the your network?

In a recent survey done by Gartner of 260 enterprises, 90% of enterprises worldwide have remote workers, but 25% of those organizations don’t know exactly who those remote workers are. Again, according to the survey, the IT departments often have no idea who they’re providing remote access to. Are they executives, sales, engineering, etc. ?…

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 – beta available

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 – beta available

Now on Microsoft Connect, the beta of the excellent new SCVMM 2008. The sign up for the beta is easy and installation is simple and fast on Server 2008 (which I am way digging these days). What’s the coolest thing about SCVMM 2008? Probably the ability to manage non-Microsoft hypervisors (e.g. ESX.) Top 10 Features…

Virtualized Banking Can Save Real Money

Virtualized Banking Can Save Real Money

Microsoft’s “Virtualization in Banking Survey 2008,” conducted by independent, Washington, D.C.-based research firm KRC gives some insight into virtualization findings for US and UK banking institutions: TMCnet had this to say about key finding from the survey: 53 percent of those implementing virtualization reported that it eases centralization of deployment and management of applications as…

LUA Bugs…Beware!

LUA Bugs…Beware!

If you are struggling with trying to diagnose LUA, or Least-Privilege User Account bugs in your Vista, Server 2003 or XP environments, then Aaron Margosis has a tool for you. The tool is called LUA Buglight and, while it’s in beta, it still may be a useful tool for you developers and system administrators out…

Application Virtualization:  Catch the Wave

Application Virtualization: Catch the Wave

In recent years the technology world has increasingly gone “virtual” in a number of areas. First we had virtual local area networks and server-based virtualization. This helped consolidate resources by allowing administrators to increase the density of servers per rack, and decrease the complexity of managing hundreds of servers. This is now a proven and…

Unified Messaging for Exchange 2007

Unified Messaging for Exchange 2007

OVA is one component of the new Unified Messaging server role now included in this latest version of Microsoft’s email server. Unified messaging’s goal is to consolidate as many communication types as possible into a single inbox and Exchange does this by treating email, faxes, and voicemail as just another message which can be accessed through corporate Outlook, Outlook Anywhere (Formerly Outlook over the Internet), Outlook Web Access, Outlook Mobile Access and now using just using your phone while on the run.

DaaS and SaaS – ” …dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!”
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DaaS and SaaS – ” …dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!”

Desktone ( and more pointedly the generic term DaaS or desktop as a service is being bandied about and will help (I say “help” in jest) to muddy the terminology waters and give us a new buzz word. Really, I think DaaS has legs and will see favorable acceptance with the “greening” of IT with…

SCCM Ranger Training

SCCM Ranger Training

From the Awesome Ideas Department, Brian Tucker has raised the idea of an SCCM Ranger training event that would encourage a team-based deep-dive into the management software, and would do so in a casual setting – a house on a beach, for example, rather than YACRIAMH (yet another conference room in a mediocre hotel.)

Virtual Desktop Visionary Stoneware, integrates Google Apps

Virtual Desktop Visionary Stoneware, integrates Google Apps

These are exciting times – when the humble world of HTML and JavaScript have been leveraged to the hilt, and AJAX applications now rival traditional executables in functionality and behavioral metaphors. Stoneware seems poised to deliver what many of us have dreamed about for as long as bandwidth has been increasing.

Application Virtualization Value Proposition

Application Virtualization Value Proposition

Application Virtualization can benefit  the entire enterprise as follows: Assists IT departments by reducing or eliminating the labor-intensive tasks involved with application lifecycle management. Enables the Business to operate more flexibly and efficiently. Reduces software, hardware, and support costs   Application Virtualization is an advanced technology that contains or “abstracts” applications from the underlying operating…

Sun buys Virtualbox

Sun buys Virtualbox

Not to be left out of the Open Source buying frenzy, Sun has recently acquired an OS virtualization product called “VirtualBox” that looks to be a boon for developers and for IT Administrators looking for standalone lab environments. Sun already had a server consolidation virtualization product (datacenter grade) in xVM Server, but didn’t have a…

MDOP 101 – What’s so great about the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack?

MDOP 101 – What’s so great about the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack?

If you haven’t already heard of it, you will: The Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, or MDOP for short, is an add-on subscription for customers with Microsoft Software Assurance (SA) coverage for their Windows desktops. The five core components of MDOP are SoftGrid Application Virtualization, System Center Desktop Error Monitoring, Asset Inventory Service, Diagnostics and Recovery…

PowerShell Remoting through Group Policy

PowerShell Remoting through Group Policy

Special Operations Software has released a tool that combines Group Policy and PowerShell, allowing administrators to push PS scripts to all desktops in their organization. This has a lot of potential to standardize and simplify what we often see out in the marketplace: a Frankensteinian tangle of KiX, VBScript, and Batch scripts running at login and at other times during user startup and shutdown.

Got your decoder ring? One blogger’s predictions for Virtualization in 2008

Got your decoder ring? One blogger’s predictions for Virtualization in 2008

While I’ve not finished parsing it, Tarry Singh’s article caught my eye. I don’t normally read all of the links that come in through the ITToolbox newsletter, but anything with “virtualization” in the title tends to give me pause. Tarry’s article provides a (rather dense and obviously knowledgeable) collection of predictions for the future of…

Virtualized Infrastructures

Virtualized Infrastructures

During a client-call yesterday, once again, we heard the “very many challenges” that data centers have with all of the issues that come with the incredible and never-ending demand for application services within enterprises. A solution that’s well-tested and well-vetted for these ever-increasing demands for applications is the propping of virtual infrastrucutres. Nothing new here:…

Server-Side Application Virtualization

Server-Side Application Virtualization

Doing some research this week, I ran into a website called which is a company that provides server-based software installations using Virtualization technology… Essentially they do all of the hard configuration and settings work, and provide a Virtual snapshot of the application ready for it to be used… They have several open-source server-based applications…

VMWare buys Thinstall

VMWare buys Thinstall

VMWare has recently purchased Thinstall. This puts some heavy muscle behind one of SoftGrid/AppVirt’s competitors. One can only speculate what the San Francisco to Palo Alto move will mean for the product, but personally, I hope they invest heavily in bringing Thinstall’s feature set into parity or dramatic competition with AppVirt.

Virtual Applications – going mainstream!

Virtual Applications – going mainstream!

Doing some research this week, I ran into a website called   which is a company that provides server-based software installations using Virtualization technology…  Essentially they do all of the hard configuration and settings work, and provide a Virtual snapshot of the application ready for it to be used… They have several open-source server based applications…

Taming the IM Jungle within the Enterprise

Taming the IM Jungle within the Enterprise

Instant Messaging (IM) has quietly crept in behind the corporate firewall as employees responding to different pressures – personal or business – install popular IM clients to chat with colleagues, partners, and customers and even friends and family. Research shows that over 90% of enterprises have IM within the enterprise and employees are responsible for…

Software as a Service – Are ISV’s ready?

Software as a Service – Are ISV’s ready?

Most people I talk to want to implement Application Virtualization to improve internal operations. Refreshingly, the conversation has been shifting over the past few weeks to what application virtualization was originally intended to address: Software as a Service and, in particular, how independent software vendors can take advantage of this technology. In order to begin…