Microsoft Intune Suite

Microsoft Intune Suite

On March 1, 2023 Microsoft announced Microsoft Intune Suite which consolidates its endpoint management and security solutions to streamline protection for cloud-connected and on-premises endpoints.  It includes: The new Intune Suite can be added all Microsoft Intune subscribers (including Microsoft 365 E3 and E5) which already include core Intune (now called Intune Plan 1) for an additional…

Windows Autopatch

Windows Autopatch

A a few weeks ago Microsoft announced a new service called Windows Autopatch for business customers that provides the ability to keep Windows, Office, Teams and Microsoft Edge software on devices enrolled and managed by Microsoft Intune up to date automatically. The service is now on public beta and scheduled to be GA sometime at…

Windows 365 Cloud PC
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Windows 365 Cloud PC

On June 24, 2021 Microsoft announced WIndows 11. Last week during their Partner conference, Ignite, Microsoft announced Windows 365. It will be launched on August 2, 2021. Securely stream your Windows experience—including your personalized apps, content, and settings—from the Microsoft cloud to any device with your Windows 365 Cloud PC. Windows 365 is a cloud…

SCCM Co-Management No More

SCCM Co-Management No More

As you are probably aware, the SCCM 1902 update rollup made a change in their co-management and coexistence compatibility capability: If an SCCM-managed device is enrolled into an MDM server other than Intune (i.e., Workspace ONE or any other third-parties), the SCCM agent reverts to a read-only mode which essentially  killed a  number of third-party co-management…

Microsoft Platform Numbers

Microsoft Platform Numbers

Some interesting data bits from Microsoft Source: Collected listening to different sessions From Microsoft Ignite (November 2019) 600 billion authentications serviced each month by Azure Active Directory (AAD) 900+million deployed Windows 10 PCs, 200 million commercial PCs, Macs, iOS and Android devices managed by ConfigMgr and Intune, 200 million Office 365 users, 13+ 20 million…

Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Microsoft Endpoint Manager was announced last week at Microsoft Ignite 2019. Microsoft is working on bringing together System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and the Microsoft Intune mobile management service into a new brand called “Microsoft Endpoint Manager,” Microsoft is consolidating most (all) of their client management tools (SCCM, Intune,  Desktop Analytics, etc. )   into one  now…

Windows Autopilot Deployment Workflows

Windows Autopilot Deployment Workflows

Two posters that clearly describe the Windows Autopilot process based on New Device and Existing Device scenarios. Full versions can be found at: Window Autopilot Process (New Devices) Windows Autopilot Process ( Exsiting devices with SCCM) I am very happy to see these published by Microsoft! .,]]Thank you Autopilot team! They were much needed.

2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant: UEM

2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant: UEM

The 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Endpoint Management has been published. Leaders listed included VMware, Microsoft, IBM, BlackBerry, Citrix and MobileIron. According to the report, unified endpoint management tool is defined as a “set of offerings that comprise mobile device management (MDM) and modern management of traditional endpoints (PCs and Mac).” including the integration…

Transitioning GPO to MDM Policies

Transitioning GPO to MDM Policies

Transitioning from traditional Group Policy Objects (GPO) to Modern Device Management (MDM) Policies can be challenging.  Some organizations have Group Policies that have been in place for over a decade and which may not be fully inventoried, or often understood.  MDM do not have a 1-1 mapping for all legacy Group Policies.  Microsoft created the…

Gathering Existing Devices Windows Autopilot Device IDs

Gathering Existing Devices Windows Autopilot Device IDs

Update 8/1/2020: Microsoft has updated their official blog post a number of times since this post to include automated ways from Intune and ConfigManager. We have published a number of posts about what Windows Autopilot is and how to setup and test. Now that so many organizations have taken note of Modern Device Management advantages…

Making the Case to Embrace Modern Device Management

Making the Case to Embrace Modern Device Management

This morning, a new blog post of mine was published on DellEMC Infocus. Drive productivity by ensuring your organization leverages modern tools to achieve results..  Read the full article here This is a follow-up to the previously posted blog Empower Your Organization by Moving to Modern Device Management While you are at it, check out…

5G – A game Changer for Device Management

5G – A game Changer for Device Management

5G is fast coming to market with roll outs expected across the world in 2019 and 2020.      This technology is not only an core enabler for IoT, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, but also has significant implications as an enabled for Workforce Transformation and Modern Device Management.    As many of you know there is an immense amount of work going on behind the scenes to enable 5G,…

Updating Windows 10 Edition with Autopilot / Intune

Updating Windows 10 Edition with Autopilot / Intune

As opposed to previous versions of the Microsoft Operating System, where each edition came as a separate ISO, there is only one package for the latest Windows 10 OS that can be “unlocked” when activated to have the edition you need.      (there are some restrictions/requirements based on licensing) One of the most common…

Modern Device Management: More than Just Technology

Modern Device Management: More than Just Technology

Today, many companies are moving or seriously considering the move to Modern Device Management (or Modern Management) as their next step of their Digital Transformation Journey.  Most considering the move, have already completed their Windows 10 migrations and are looking for efficiencies to their deployment workflows.     Having said this,   I get asked on a daily…

Microsoft Managed Desktop Service

Microsoft Managed Desktop Service

Today Microsoft officially announced a new service:    Microsoft Managed Desktop or MMD. Although it was known Microsoft was working on this,  no official word or announcement has been published until now. We believe that MMD will be an option that allows organizations to fundamentally shift how they think about and manage their IT. Through MMD,…