Personal Posts
Personal Posts about myJourney
Thoughts, Stories & Learnings
Lots of thoughts, ramblings and stories / Many topics on my mind over the years!
A while back I wrote I am the sum of my parts which explains my many dimensions.
You can also view myWork Related Posts here

I am the Sum of my Talents
As I get older I am noticing that the different parts of me are pulling harder for my mind’s attention and some feel like they are screaming for my “attention”.

Instagram Photo / Video Sizes
Something I have been using often lately, but always have trouble remembering…. So a simple post to remind me: For Photos and Carousels: Type Ratio Best Size (Pixels) Sample (.png) Square 1:1 1080 x 1080px Portrait 4:5 1080 x 1350 px Landscape 1.91:1 1080 x 608 px For Videos: Ratios: 1:1 4:5 or 16:9 30FPS,…

Communicating On A New Normal Day
Funny true story / observation…. In my work I communicate with many types and size of customers on many different industries. Usually, I use a couple of video collaboration / conferencing software as the meeting is set by us. This past week, I had a particular day in which i used the following systems: Microsoft…

Top Free Tools I Use
I am always on the lookout for good tools I can use on my daily tasks. It is a bonus when they are free. I am thankful for those that work on these and offer them to the world via open source, donation based or truly free.

Doodling to Relax and Recharge
I have been doodling on and off since I was a little kid. I distinctly remember a memory with my father where I drew lines, circles or anything I wanted on piece of paper and he will make something out of it… I always thought that was pretty cool… If you have seen my notebooks,…

Selling Consulting Services
Part of the Services Sales 101 Series Selling consulting services requires a strategic approach that combines effective marketing, networking, and a consultative sales mindset. When selling consulting services, it’s essential to take a consultative approach rather than a hard-sell tactic. Position yourself as a trusted advisor who can help clients identify and solve their problems….

personalTracker DB
personalTracker DB is an application that helps track information and notes on that information personalTracker DB is a compiled Microsoft Access database application designed to keep track of records and record progress notes on those records. Why use a personalTacker DB? Keep track of information easily and effectively Locally stored database (no need for Internet…

Excel Gantt Timeline Generator
In my work, I need to quickly generate timelines. I have been doing it by hand in Excel adding each tasks in a line, formatting the columns and then snipping the graphic into the document I need to paste it into. If changes were need, it was not easy to do, and started the timeline…

Cool Data Visualization
It is cool to see data visualizations. I especially enjoy the ones over a span of many years. Couple of good ones: Most Popular Websites 1996 – 2019 based on number of visitors per month Internet Users by Country 1990 – 2019 (Eye opener!) Another cool one, World Population between 1960 to 2019

The Age of AI
A great brand new (November 2019) report from Frontline on how Artificial Intelligence is changing our lives – (no longer the future, it is affecting us all now!) Not only explores what will the future looks like, but also what is happening today in China, USA and other places around the world. I have written…

Glimpse at the New Generation
Had an experience last week that I have to share… Last Friday morning I was getting a coffee in the lobby of the Marriott in La Joya, California and just behind there was a couple of very happy very animated people talking to each other. Not sure how to pin this, but their happiness was…

Tumblr Has A New Owner
As I usually do, I was on a plane catching up on my podcasts, listening to a WordPress news when they casually mentioned that “… Automatic, the company that produces WordPress, has purchased Tumblr from Verizon on August 2019. What? Did I hear this correctly? How did I missed this? Wow! It woke me up!…

Made it to Rattlesnake Ledge
Never been much of trail hiker, but for for some reason that day, the mountains and the beauty of the day just called me outdoors

Managing My Photo Collection
Managing our large personal digital photos and videos has been a a significant challenge. Storing, cataloging and searching through our photo library is tough and I have not seen anything out there that solves this issue

A New NAS for Home
As far as I can remember, I’ve had four network attached storage (NAS) devices over the years. They have stored all of my digital memories (movies, music, photos) for a long time. A few years ago, when SMB 1 protocol was deemed insecure, my 3 year old NAS did not have an update option but…

A Busy June
Wow July 1, 2019. Is it only me, or the year is just flying by… Still very much adjusting to my Mom not being around. The weekly FaceTime calls, the laughs, the new suggestions on Netflix. Aside from her voice, I specially miss her likes on social media — Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and even the…

A week in my Life as an EUC Solutions Principal
As we detailed in the previous article, “The Solutions Principal Role” within Dell Technology Services involves: “… customer facing activities acting as a subject matter expert (SME) in their respective field. Their key responsibility is to assist services sales and account teams drive professional services through technical expertise, thought leadership, customer interaction and solution development….

Not Only About Ice Cream
Ice cream is great, but this article is not about that. It is about the place one goes to have a quick pause and enjoy a moment.

A Town Over 100 Years Old
According the City of North Bend, WA website, it was incorporated in March 12, 1909. Yep – this means that as of the time of this blog post I live in a town that is over 110 years old. – How cool is that! When I moved into North Bend, WA – strike that –…

Getting to SeaTac Airport?
I travel quite a bit, and ever since moving to North Bend about 6 years ago, I have driven the 35 miles from our town down to Seattle Internal Airport (specifically MasterPark Log G) at lease a few hundred miles. I typically drive drive there via I-90 and I-405 , but depending on traffic I…

My Role as a Solutions Principal
First NO that is not me! — Never had that much hair but I was young once 🙂 The Solutions Principals role within the Dell Technology Services team involves customer facing activities acting as a subject matter expert (SME) in their respective field. Their key responsibility is to assist services sales and account teams drive…

Thankful for 2018. Hello 2019!
Very thankful – Thank you 2018! Although this year work was intense with lots of pressure and travel, it was a fulfilling professional year. Learned a lot from the Podcasting and YouTube vlogs with a lot more still need to learn! I am especially grateful for the memories and quality family time with the family…

Clearing a Twitter Account
Recently I sold one of my old domains (see blog post here). A couple of days later, I realized that I also had the corresponding twitter handle as well, so I offered to transfer ( not a sale, just a transfer ). The buyer wanted it and he was stoked about it… Sidenote: Not a…

Domain Sale Experience – A Matter of Trust
Over the years I have collected a few domains which I no longer use. They were either names I liked and reserved, or projects that I started and ran to an end. I have let some expired, but others I have kept because something about the name I like and simply could not…

Launching a New Blog:
In my work I have a lot of conversations and do a lot presentations om the topic of Workspace Transformation, Modern Provisioning and Modern Device management. There is so much change in this field right now, that it is challenging for most enterprises. I have written a lot of articles on the impact…

Getting to Windows 10: Take the Blue Pill or the Red Pill
I always start my Windows 10 conversations with the statement, there are two parts to any Windows 10 project: Getting to Windows 10. Maintaining Windows 10 This article is all about “Getting to Windows 10”. All of us have been to customers that have not yet officially started their Windows 10 projects or they are…

New Site Launched:
Very happy to announce that I have launched a new site! DayScheduler is an intuitive web-based application to help individuals or teams provide visibility of daily availability of a resource (person or thing) and offer users the ability to request booking. Specifically designed for people like me, always on the go, it can also be used…

Outside My Comfort Zone: Going YouTube
Although I am pretty technical, write hundreds of words per week (work emails/proposals), spend many hours on telecons and speak to live audiences several times per week/month, podcasting, video blogging and video content has not been in my priority list until recently. I totally see it as a must have skill in today’s world and…