Tweets Archive: September 2011

Tweets Archive: September 2011

My Tweets for 2011-09 follow: 09/04/11 06:05:15 Enterprise License Optimization: Microsoft licensing in VDI environments 09/04/11 06:10:59 Amazon Is Only Launching A 7? Tablet? Genius. (Plus A Mockup!) 09/04/11 06:15:05 Netflix loses Starz contract, content to be pulled February 28 09/05/11 17:01:02 Great graphic!  RT @cloudtweaks: Infographic: The Cloud Computing Stratosphere…

To Netflix: Must Try Something else now

To Netflix: Must Try Something else now

After several months  of back and forth, this past weekend (long weekend)  we finally came to realization that the current Netflix offering is just not working for us anymore…    When the rate increase changed, earlier this year,  we switched to streaming only, but, simply put,  the current  streaming selection sucks! Recent news events that…

Tweets Archive: August 2011

Tweets Archive: August 2011

My tweets for August 2011 were: 08/02/11 02:35:05 Chrome still pushing forward, IE8 falls below 30%, IE6 falls below 10% – TechSpot News 08/08/11 00:19:20 Forget About Devices! Why IT Execs Should Focus On Content 08/09/11 17:17:27 10-Year Stock Comparasion: Microsoft, Amazon, Google & Apple. 08/09/11 18:10:44 Dropbox has 25 million users…

Tweets Archive to: 2011-07-30

Tweets Archive to: 2011-07-30

My tweets for period: 7/16 – 7/30/2011 follow: 07/16/11 01:25:58 Ineresting point of view:  Google+: One Hell Of A Trojan Horse 07/16/11 01:29:35 Desktop virtualization offers a solution to the consumerization of IT puzzle | ITworld 07/16/11 17:28:25 A Tale Of Two Countries: The Growing Divide Between Silicon Valley And Unemployed America…

Boring Statistics – No More!

Boring Statistics – No More!

Who said statistics need to be dull…. Excellent video : titled Social Media Revolution 3 (4:15 version via Erik Qualman) based on the book Socialnomics by +Erik Qualman — [youtube=]   Back in 2009 I was exposed to the same style video called “Did You Know? 3.0 ” which conveyed a number of statistic, in a very refreshing matter…

Tweets Archive for 2011-07-15

Tweets Archive for 2011-07-15

Tweet archives for periord: 7/1 – 7/15 2011 07/01/11 06:35:07 I just connected my @klout account with LinkedIn. Connect and see how your @klout improves! 07/01/11 14:26:38 Reap the benefits of desktop virtualization: cut IT costs, secure data & more. Get the white paper. 07/02/11 16:32:10 How to patch virtualized Office 2010 sequenced…

The Engagement Pyramid

The Engagement Pyramid

Going through my pending queue, I found this great Groundwire article  from By Gideon Rosenblatt  which I had marked several months back A couple of quotes: …The most effective social change organizations understand how to wield their portfolio of engagement tactics in Zen-like fashion… …At Groundwire, we use a framework for mapping these different levels…

Tweets Archive: June 2011

Tweets Archive: June 2011

My tweets for the month are: 06/01/11 01:44:56 How Google Takes 54 Cents From Every Dollar Spent On Web Advertising 06/01/11 01:48:48 Paper: Windows 7 IOPS for VDI: Deep Dive 06/01/11 07:14:19 Asus unveils smartphone-tablet combo, the Padfone – TechSpot News 06/02/11 21:10:19 Microsoft’s Windows 8 Demo From D9 (Video) – AllThingsD…

Tweets Archives: 2011-05-30

Tweets Archives: 2011-05-30

Tweets Archives, since the last tweets posting: 05/16/11 16:01:53 Hot Or Not: The Disruptive Tech Outlook for 2011 05/16/11 19:36:47 8 Tips for Using Social Blogging to Grow Your Business | 05/17/11 02:28:45 A Lot Of Cool Things Are Coming To Windows Phones (MSFT) 05/17/11 02:35:59 Microsoft Apologises For BPOS Outage…

Is email going the way of regular mail?

Is email going the way of regular mail?

First some astonishing statistics: (Source: PingDom: Internet 2010  in numbers) 107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010. 294 billion – Average number of email messages per day. 1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide. 89.1% – The share of emails that were spam. (that is 269 billion emails) 2.9 billion – The number of email…

US Broadband Infrastructure falling behind

US Broadband Infrastructure falling behind

A few  days ago (5/13/2011), I saw a segment in the series Need To Know that talked to how strategic Europe sees the upgrade of their broadband infrastructure.  More interesting is that it is being financed privately. As the program shows, the result have transformational. Fast forward to at time stamp: 24:50 time stamp. Watch the full episode. ( Broadband Infrastructure:…

Tweets: 2011-05-15

Tweets: 2011-05-15

Tweet archives for last couple of weeks. 05/01/11 06:17:56 Online College Education is evolving exponentially each year. Don’t believe me? Check this Infographic out ;  – ad 05/01/11 21:31:44 The Future of Advertising Will Be Integrated 05/01/11 22:09:22 Microsoft Keeps Burning Hundreds Of Millions Online 05/01/11 22:21:03 Microsoft Online – $4B startup…

Microsoft Online – $4B startup and counting

Microsoft Online – $4B startup and counting

It is simply amazing to see how much is Microsot investing into its online division. Based on the the latest Microsoft quarterly result published last week, the operating loss for the online services division was  $726M  in the 3rd quarter alone, and a loss  $1.8B for the current year. If we look back to when the…

Tweets Archive: 2011-04-30

Tweets Archive: 2011-04-30

Tweets  for the last week: 04/24/11 19:02:59 Relaxing Sunday. Catching up on my reading. 04/24/11 19:05:10 Whiteboard art. Talent and patience. 04/24/11 19:15:41 Send links from iPad 04/24/11 19:26:46 RT @jack: People around the world spend 3 hours walking for water. Take 3 min to learn why from @charitywater. Video: 04/24/11 19:32:15 Bookmarklets…

Tip my hat to – Showed Real Class

Tip my hat to – Showed Real Class

After a heck of an outage last week,  Amazon published they root-cause and postmortem yesterday – less than 5 days after the actual outage, and *after* they have completely stabilize the after-math of the outage. I have to tip my hat to how Amazon for the content transparentness, analysis and the expressly stated  apology to their customer. We go…

Shout-out to Podcast Network

Shout-out to Podcast Network

Jason Calacanis, an established, proven entrepreneur and angel investor  who has started, sold and funded startups, and his crew produce a phenomenal set of podcast shows, out of their web property: Two of my favorites, which I listen to whenever I get the chance are: This Week in Startups (TWIST), offers aspiring entrepreneurs invaluable…

Tweets: 2011-04-22

Tweets: 2011-04-22

Tweet archives for the last couple  weeks: 04/11/11 02:27:57 Backing up my tweets with @Backupify – Twitter backup is free! 04/12/11 03:40:28 75% of Enterprises Have ‘Bring Your Own Device’ Policies. What That Means. (Charts) | ZDNet 04/12/11 03:50:57 Amazon has lofty interests – Technology – 04/12/11 04:19:10 Dropbox: Insecure by…

Tweets 2011-04-10

Tweets 2011-04-10

Tweets for the last couple of weeks: 03/27/11 00:09:06 Excellent real story! How to launch a startup for $42.15, and get 250,000 users 03/27/11 00:13:12 Export and Analyze Social Media Analytics | 03/28/11 21:09:37 In AT&T & T-Mobile Merger, Everybody Loses: Tech News and Analysis « 03/29/11 13:03:15 Amazon service lets…

Tweets Archives: March 2011

Tweets Archives: March 2011

March Tweets: 03/01/11 05:08:51 Wikipedia wants 1 billion users, 200,000 editors by 2015 – TechSpot 03/01/11 05:15:40 Forrester: IT staff must become ‘teachers’ to the business 03/01/11 05:19:19 Microsoft Readies Windows Intune for March Launch 03/01/11 05:31:45 Softricity’s SoftGrid 10 years after the Wow! (A look back at Softricity by an insider)…

Tweets Archive: Feb 2011

Tweets Archive: Feb 2011

The following are the tweets I sent in February: 02/01/11 06:57:19 Google Docs gets a dose of Gmail features – TechSpot News 02/01/11 07:18:28 Can you swap your laptop with an iPad? 02/02/11 07:10:30 Mozy Drops Unlimited Storage, Destroys Cloud Dream – PCWorld Business Center 02/04/11 05:16:12 How to hack the $250…

Tweets: 2011-01-30

Tweets: 2011-01-30

Tweets sent the last couple of weeks: 01/16/11 07:45:28 Top 10 Clever Uses for the Cloud 01/16/11 07:47:57 4 Companies Getting Real Results From Cloud Computing — Cloud Computing — InformationWeek 01/16/11 16:18:20 Windows on verge of dropping below 90% market share | ITworld 01/16/11 16:32:19 Netflix reveals challenges in the cloud…

Tweets Collection: 2011-01-15

Tweets Collection: 2011-01-15

My tweets for the last couple of weeks: 12/29/10 06:49:03 Facebook passes Yahoo, becomes world’s third largest website – TechSpot News 12/31/10 18:19:47 E-book sales surpass physical book sales on Barnes & Noble website 12/31/10 18:47:40 Myspace still around? It Mulls Significant Layoffs, With Potential Sale Looming 01/03/11 17:15:59 The complicated new…

Tweet Archives: 2010-12-31

Tweet Archives: 2010-12-31

Archive of last set of tweets sent in 2010.. 12/13/10 17:36:52 How Does Airplane WiFi Work? at WLAN 12/15/10 04:34:08 Monetizing digital content the rocky road ahead — Good Presentation 12/16/10 00:30:49 Microsoft: From 2010 to 2011 – Walking the Cloud Talk – 12/18/10 19:09:04 Citrix looks to 2011 to boost…

Tweet report: 2010-12-12

Tweet report: 2010-12-12

Archives of tweets sent in the last couple of weeks: 11/29/10 22:46:08 Hacking NetFlix : The Reasons Behind Netflix’s Move to Amazon’s Cloud Services 11/30/10 04:08:51 Tablets expected to cut into PC sales in 2011 11/30/10 04:18:06 Paper: VDI TCO Analysis for Office Worker Environments 12/01/10 05:50:42 Red Hat – an open…

Tweets Report: 2010-11-30

Tweets Report: 2010-11-30

Latest tweets from the last couple of weeks: 11/17/10 22:16:45 The 10 biggest tech scandals of the decade 11/17/10 22:25:54 Four ways cloud computing can make your business better now | VentureBeat 11/18/10 15:42:57 Windows 8 to showcase ‘desktop as a service’? | ZDNet 11/19/10 14:12:36 Microsoft TCO study: VDI is 11%…

Latest Tweets: 2010-11-15

Latest Tweets: 2010-11-15

Tweets for the last couple of weeks follow: 10/31/10 00:26:08 Test with iPad 10/31/10 00:32:56 RT @MSDownloads: Office 365 Beta Data Sheets: These documents provide an overview of the features of the Office 365… 10/31/10 01:05:01 | Gartner: Microsoft and VMware the only leading players in cloud computing b… 11/03/10 07:49:34 Did…

Traditional TV/Cable is finally caving!

Traditional TV/Cable is finally caving!

    A recent piece of news captures (finally) the truth about the feeling everyone has about their cable serif. It is overpriced and there is never anything on when one finally has the time to sit down in front of the TV. Cable Lost 500,000 subscribers in a single quarter In a related…

Tweet report for 2010-10

Tweet report for 2010-10

Tweet Archive for October 2010 10/01/10 03:45:15 Let’s make it official and call it “user virtualization” 10/02/10 23:32:47 Application Virtualization Smackdown: Head-to-head analysis of Citrix, Endeavors, InstallFree, … 10/12/10 01:46:24 Citrix announces XenDesktop 5. From Brian Madden 10/12/10 02:19:44 Facebook Introduces Organized Secured Share, Group Chat and Email Lists 10/19/10 16:19:47…

Tweets for 2010-09

Tweets for 2010-09

Tweet Archive for September 2010 09/04/10 15:25:41 Microsoft hungry to eat VMware’s lunch | Beyond Binary – CNET News 09/09/10 04:42:27 ThinPoint Desktop Virtualization Review 09/09/10 04:45:06 Release: VMware ThinApp 4.6 09/09/10 04:51:37 CIOs split on future destiny of the IT department 09/09/10 04:54:22 Report: Mac sales are booming in enterprise,…

LatestsTweets:  2010-08-30

LatestsTweets: 2010-08-30

Latest Tweets: 08/13/10 00:53:17 Using #Flipboard on iPad.  What a fantastic app and  UI. Highly recommended! 08/13/10 01:21:44 Netflix to stream Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM movies on Sep 1 08/13/10 01:25:29 Microsoft, Google, CompuCom and California  – 08/13/10 03:00:03 iPad Instrument Apps 08/13/10 03:28:31 Six Costly Cloud Mistakes – –…

Tweets report: 2010-07-30

Tweets report: 2010-07-30

Latest tweets: 06/28/10 06:19:19 Thanks #brianmadden for a great article on your #VDI predictions ! 06/28/10 06:24:28 Best and fresh comparison on #VDI solutions from the #BRIANMADDEN group at: 06/28/10 06:31:28 Have you gone #VDI only?  I am 1/2 way there (still carry a laptop with me) but, I  would like to hear…

Tweet’s Report:  2010-05-30

Tweet’s Report: 2010-05-30

tweets of the last couple of months: 04/17/10 22:46:06 Google has the most servers! 1M+ 04/20/10 04:35:57 Microsoft Online Windows InTune: formerly System Center Online Desktop Manager but with more (MDOP included) less 04/24/10 17:17:45 Microsoft and Facebook launched  where Microsoft Office WebApps (Word, Excel PowerPoint) are  available to Facebook users! 04/30/10…

Cloud Services 101

Cloud Services 101

Cloud computing (or cloud services) is the new buzz in the world of IT services. The term, which is still pretty nebulous for many users, refers to a model in which computing resources are hosted and delivered via the Internet than can dynamically grow and shrink depending on its demand and you pay only for…

Office 2010  Deployment Kit for App-V

Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V

  Just in case you missed it,  Microsoft released the Microsoft Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V   which will is  required for sequencing and deploying Office 2010 client products with Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V). The toolkit must be installed on the App-V sequencing station prior to monitoring the Office 2010 client installation, and on the…

Cloud Services 101-4: For Small Businesses

Cloud Services 101-4: For Small Businesses

Originally published for blog. Cloud computing is quickly altering the way small businesses work.  Hardware procurement, setup and software licensing in order to support  the applications for all users in the organization is a significant effort and constant concern for the management team in any small business. With the development of cloud based services,…

Cloud Services 101-2: The Big Names in the Field

Cloud Services 101-2: The Big Names in the Field

Originally published for blog. Thanks to the convergence of multiple technology trends, including virtualization, data center consolidation, web-services, browser and commercialization of hardware advancements, there is simply no way of ignoring or denying the impact that cloud services are having within the industry. Placing files, email and applications on the cloud has its significant…

iPad thoughts – the first 2 weeks

iPad thoughts – the first 2 weeks

  Very interesting device.   For me, it is definitely a consumption device.  Netflix, web-surfing,  news and blog reader, drawing and playing games with my kids, and some YouTube.      The video quality is amazing, the magazine reader is excellent, the battery second to none… Very good for easy blog postings and lite-email writing during my daily…

Windows Intune – Cloud-based Desktop Management

Windows Intune – Cloud-based Desktop Management

The beta version of Windows Intune, formerly known as  System Center Online Desktop Management,  it is now officially part of the Microsoft Online Services. is now in full beta.  Windows Intune simplifies how businesses manage and secure PCs using Windows cloud services and Windows 7—so your computers and users can operate at peak performance. Windows…

Windows Intune: Cloud Desktop Management

Windows Intune: Cloud Desktop Management

The beta version of Windows Intune is now in full beta. Windows Intune simplifies how businesses manage and secure PCs using Windows cloud services and Windows 7—so your computers and users can operate at peak performance. Windows Intune delivers cloud-based management and security capabilities that can be administered through a single Web-based console, enabling your…

Tweet report: 2010-03-30

Tweet report: 2010-03-30

Latest set of tweets: 03/15/10 02:34:21 “Automatic WordPress Backup v2”  Great Tool: 03/15/10 15:03:23 “10 things to consider before deploying a cloud” 03/16/10 23:29:21 Collaborative Mind Map in Google Wave”   – this is VERY cool. 03/17/10 00:12:10 MIX10 Web Development Conference –  Very good range of what Microsoft is doing…  — …

VDI Overview

VDI Overview

Traditionally, companies have deployed desktop or laptop computers to their end users.  The operating system, applications have been individually installed on every desktop or laptop via imaging software or remote installation, and application configuration settings and most user data is stored locally on the computer.  While this may have worked when the company started small,…

Tweet report: 2010-03-15

Tweet report: 2010-03-15

My latest tweets: 03/01/10 17:08:48 jorper98 is actively looking for  a new  “gig”.    Open to recommendations, ideas or thoughts. 03/06/10 17:54:31 Like – Good list of Firefox Add-ons. 03/06/10 18:10:57 “Apple’s iPad to be released April 3” @  Are  you going to wait ? 03/06/10 18:23:51 Mobile phones: “Apple is playing defense, and…

Project Management Online Tools
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Project Management Online Tools

One of the most common questions I get asked is what tool to I use to manage projects while working with virtual teams.   The answer I give, is typically, “it depends a lot on the size of the project, and what you want to manage”     Collaboration, Project Management, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Online Project Management,…

Palm Pre – WebOS 1.4 upgrade.

Palm Pre – WebOS 1.4 upgrade.

I just got the much anticipated WebOS 1.4  which, amongst many others features, enables video capture and which supports Adobe’s Flash Player.   I just did a couple of quick tests. Pretty good  video quality and Flash works nicely. Can wait to check the rest of the list. A silly quick test follows: [youtube=]

Latests Tweets: 2010-02

Latests Tweets: 2010-02

Latest tweets: 01/02/10 04:53:36 Moving my photo collection online. Pains, aches and challenges – 01/07/10 20:17:46 Excited about my Palm Pre (again)! 01/16/10 18:23:20 Good Article on why App-V did not turn-out to be the nirvana of application simplification. 02/10/10 02:58:29 Win7 on iPad? – thanks Citrix! 02/19/10 20:13:00 The Aging…

Windows 7 N

Windows 7 N

A qiick post, with something I learned today…. I am not sure if you have noticed or not, but on Technet and the VLSC download site, you will notice a downloaded titled “Windows 7 N” The N version represents a version of Windows 7 that does not have Windows Media Player included and is intended…

[TechCrunch] SPICEWORKS the new Facebook for IT Pros?

[TechCrunch] SPICEWORKS the new Facebook for IT Pros?

via TechCrunch Spiceworks, a startup that develops Web-connected social IT management software, has raised $16 million in Series C funding round led by Institutional Venture Partners with Austin Ventures and Shasta Venturesparticipating. This brings the startup’s total funding to $29 million. Spiceworks develops a desktop software suite that helps a company’s IT staff collaborate with…

[SOA World] is your App Infrastructure based on a the Postal Service’s Model?

[SOA World] is your App Infrastructure based on a the Postal Service’s Model?

Article written by Rob West This is a thought-provoking article from LORI MACVITTIE on SOAWorld Magazine that poses an interesting point-of-view: …the US postal service doesn’t determine whether postage may be due or not until the package arrives at its destination. If the addressee isn’t willing/able to pay that postage due, the package is of course…

Tweets for 2009-12

Tweets for 2009-12

December 2009 tweets: 12/04/09 06:00:25 Starting to come back online after a bad flu week… 12/04/09 13:54:53 10,000 apps available for Android and multiplying! 12/07/09 00:09:49 Will the new price of BPOS hurt Partners? – Good article on Redmond Channel Partner.  Read at: 12/08/09 04:32:03 Coouple of New articles in my blog: Speed…

Bring back Zero Touch (SoftGrid/App-V)

Bring back Zero Touch (SoftGrid/App-V)

Article by Danny Knox Microsoft – why did you kill the radio star?  The application virtualization product formerly known as SoftGrid prior to Microsoft’s purchase had a fledgling web based self-service application provisioning tool called Zero Touch.  Sure, it sounds like the image deployment methodology from Microsoft called “zero touch” but why kill it?  Re-brand…

New Microsoft Partner Competencies & Requirements

New Microsoft Partner Competencies & Requirements

If you were at any of the Microsoft partner events in the last couple of years,  you would know that  Microsoft has been in the process of revamping the Microsoft Partner Program and its ecosystem.  The changes officially started this past July when they renamed the Microsoft Partner Program to Microsoft Partner Network (MPN), partly…

slideshare World’s Best Presentations 2009

slideshare World’s Best Presentations 2009

Back at the September 2009 ran an online contest to find the world’s best presentations.   I have completely forgotten to check the finalists until I ran across an old email reminding me about it.   I went in to the 2009 winner’s page and was surprise to find the winner to be a presentation…

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June’10

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June’10

From Amazon Web Services Email today: Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010) Data Transfer into AWS will be free of charge from now through June 30, 2010, making it even easier for customers to get their data into AWS. This applies to data transfer into Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational…

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June2010

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June2010

From Amazon Web Services Email today: Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010) Data Transfer into AWS will be free of charge from now through June 30, 2010, making it even easier for customers to get their data into AWS. This applies to data transfer into Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational…

Cloud-Services vs Virtualization
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Cloud-Services vs Virtualization

As many of you already know, we have been  strong proponent of cloud-based services for a very long time…   The idea of  maintaining an expensive and complex in-house infrastructure to support basic IT services  is steadily shifting away from mainstream business. Adoption of cloud-based services continues to climb steadily. However, a recent  article on the…