Facebook Effect Book Read.

Facebook Effect Book Read.

I just read (eh-hum) listen to the book Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick which was published back in 2010, but never got around to reading… What a fascinating and intriguing book.   It really is an unprecedented behind the scenes look a Facebook’s journey from its college origins, to raising capital,  to feature introduction, to Twitter compete,…

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

This week, Microsoft was the latest to enter the tablet device marketplace with its Surface device. Earlier this year, Google released the Google Nexus 7 to compete in the ever-growing tablet market place along with iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire, and so many others… (The 2012-2013 holiday season will be an interesting one!)

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

One common thing everyone has mentioned when setting up blogs is that you must be able to track your statistics (not only the people coming in, but also which links within the site are more effective than others, so I 16ot on to searching…    My requirements were simple: easy to use within the administration site  not…

Good Photo Gallery Application

Good Photo Gallery Application

For a while now, I have been looking for a photo gallery application.  I’ve tried almost everything, from hosted services to  open source apps (Flickr, SmugMug, 500px, Google+, Photobucket (being updated soon), Gallery, Shutterfly, Facebook (ugh!) and many others.. ) and there is always something missing… I need a workhorse.. (or tug boat!)   As…

Google+ Hangout On Air –  Genius!

Google+ Hangout On Air – Genius!

  On Monday of this  week Google announced  the general availability of Google+ Hangout On Air. A great very personal “webcast” overview of the service by the Google team can be found  here  or you can listen to it below… [youtube_sc url=T1E__F8eNJ0 width=330]   This recorded session gives an overview of the setup, a professional broadcaster…

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives  Lost  Their Way?

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives Lost Their Way?

  With this week’s introduction of Google Drive,   the conversation about “cloud drives”  has significantly increased amongst the tech community…  But have we lost a bit of focus on what a cloud drive is ? To me,   and granted, I might not be in the majority here, there is a simple definition: To be able…

Worth noting: Last entry for Encyclopaedia Britannica book.

Worth noting: Last entry for Encyclopaedia Britannica book.

You got to take note about a small piece of yesterday’s news: After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is going out of print, instead focusing on its online encyclopedia,yesterdays Publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia. Not unexpected, but the fact that it was finally announced it is amazing… 244 years!   Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica…

World Internet Usage Statistics

World Internet Usage Statistics

Very interesting statistics on Internet usage  from a global perspective. Couple of things to call out: North America is #3 by number of Internet users North America is #1 by Internet penetration   World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats. Source: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm Data is as of December 31, 2011.

Move from Physical Image to Virtual
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Move from Physical Image to Virtual

There are many reasons you would like to convert a Desktop/ Laptop image into a virtual image.  They may include: Backup / easy recovery Want to access your image while on the road Tired of traveling with multiple devices Today is fairly easy to convert a physical desktop/laptop into a virtual one. Although I focus…

Internet Parental Controls Enforced

Internet Parental Controls Enforced

Like many of you parents out there, we have a real issue with  our kids Internet access habits…   They are online at all times, talking to their friends, surfing YouTube or playing multi-player online  games.     The Internet has  become a large part of our everyday activities, so we are not necessarily oppose to these activities, but the…

To Netflix: Must Try Something else now

To Netflix: Must Try Something else now

After several months  of back and forth, this past weekend (long weekend)  we finally came to realization that the current Netflix offering is just not working for us anymore…    When the rate increase changed, earlier this year,  we switched to streaming only, but, simply put,  the current  streaming selection sucks! Recent news events that…

Boring Statistics – No More!

Boring Statistics – No More!

Who said statistics need to be dull…. Excellent video : titled Social Media Revolution 3 (4:15 version via Erik Qualman) based on the book Socialnomics by +Erik Qualman — [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0EnhXn5boM]   Back in 2009 I was exposed to the same style video called “Did You Know? 3.0 ” which conveyed a number of statistic, in a very refreshing matter…

The Engagement Pyramid

The Engagement Pyramid

Going through my ReaditLater.com pending queue, I found this great Groundwire article  from By Gideon Rosenblatt  which I had marked several months back A couple of quotes: …The most effective social change organizations understand how to wield their portfolio of engagement tactics in Zen-like fashion… …At Groundwire, we use a framework for mapping these different levels…

Is email going the way of regular mail?

Is email going the way of regular mail?

First some astonishing statistics: (Source: PingDom: Internet 2010  in numbers) 107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010. 294 billion – Average number of email messages per day. 1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide. 89.1% – The share of emails that were spam. (that is 269 billion emails) 2.9 billion – The number of email…

US Broadband Infrastructure falling behind

US Broadband Infrastructure falling behind

A few  days ago (5/13/2011), I saw a segment in the PBS.org series Need To Know that talked to how strategic Europe sees the upgrade of their broadband infrastructure.  More interesting is that it is being financed privately. As the program shows, the result have transformational. Fast forward to at time stamp: 24:50 time stamp. Watch the full episode. ( Broadband Infrastructure:…

Microsoft Online – $4B startup and counting

Microsoft Online – $4B startup and counting

It is simply amazing to see how much is Microsot investing into its online division. Based on the the latest Microsoft quarterly result published last week, the operating loss for the online services division was  $726M  in the 3rd quarter alone, and a loss  $1.8B for the current year. If we look back to when the…

Tip my hat to Amazon.com – Showed Real Class

Tip my hat to Amazon.com – Showed Real Class

After a heck of an outage last week,  Amazon published they root-cause and postmortem yesterday – less than 5 days after the actual outage, and *after* they have completely stabilize the after-math of the outage. I have to tip my hat to how Amazon for the content transparentness, analysis and the expressly stated  apology to their customer. We go…

Shout-out to ThisWeekIn.com Podcast Network

Shout-out to ThisWeekIn.com Podcast Network

Jason Calacanis, an established, proven entrepreneur and angel investor  who has started, sold and funded startups, and his crew produce a phenomenal set of podcast shows, out of their web property: ThisWeekIn.com Two of my favorites, which I listen to whenever I get the chance are: This Week in Startups (TWIST), offers aspiring entrepreneurs invaluable…

Traditional TV/Cable is finally caving!

Traditional TV/Cable is finally caving!

    A recent piece of news captures (finally) the truth about the feeling everyone has about their cable serif. It is overpriced and there is never anything on when one finally has the time to sit down in front of the TV. Cable Lost 500,000 subscribers in a single quarter http://www.techspot.com/news/41013-cable-lost-500000-subscribers-in-q3-thanks-to-the-web.html In a related…

iPad thoughts – the first 2 weeks

iPad thoughts – the first 2 weeks

  Very interesting device.   For me, it is definitely a consumption device.  Netflix, web-surfing,  news and blog reader, drawing and playing games with my kids, and some YouTube.      The video quality is amazing, the magazine reader is excellent, the battery second to none… Very good for easy blog postings and lite-email writing during my daily…

Project Management Online Tools
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Project Management Online Tools

One of the most common questions I get asked is what tool to I use to manage projects while working with virtual teams.   The answer I give, is typically, “it depends a lot on the size of the project, and what you want to manage”     Collaboration, Project Management, Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Online Project Management,…

slideshare World’s Best Presentations 2009

slideshare World’s Best Presentations 2009

Back at the September 2009 slideshare.net ran an online contest to find the world’s best presentations.   I have completely forgotten to check the finalists until I ran across an old email reminding me about it.   I went in to the slideshare.net 2009 winner’s page and was surprise to find the winner to be a presentation…

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June’10

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June’10

From Amazon Web Services Email today: Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010) Data Transfer into AWS will be free of charge from now through June 30, 2010, making it even easier for customers to get their data into AWS. This applies to data transfer into Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational…

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June2010

AWS: Free inbound Data transfers until June2010

From Amazon Web Services Email today: Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010) Data Transfer into AWS will be free of charge from now through June 30, 2010, making it even easier for customers to get their data into AWS. This applies to data transfer into Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational…

Cloud-Services vs Virtualization
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Cloud-Services vs Virtualization

As many of you already know, we have been  strong proponent of cloud-based services for a very long time…   The idea of  maintaining an expensive and complex in-house infrastructure to support basic IT services  is steadily shifting away from mainstream business. Adoption of cloud-based services continues to climb steadily. However, a recent  article on the…



Went out today to find  toner for my LaserJet printer, and I almost flipped! Checked three places and the toner (at all three places) was over  $124.00 –  Crazy! – What happened to toner pricing?   I used to buy it for $80.00 tops. I went online and decided to buy it from  newegg.com which had…

Online Project Management Tool Requirements

Online Project Management Tool Requirements

I have been checking online tools to help  me manage projects collaboratively amongst a diverse virtual team.   A few simple requirements I consider baseline are: Overall dashboard for Program Weekly Program Status Reports (entry / editing ) Ability to enter project status reports Ability to have multiple projects  under one category Issue tracking – Ability…