System Center 2012 SP1 Released.

System Center 2012 SP1 Released.

  Back in December Microsoft released System Center 2012 SP1 (Service Pack 1) to manufacturing.   Much has been written about it since…   The good news is that   it was officially released (general availability)  yesterday. With System Center 2012 SP1, you get the most cost effective and flexible platform for managing your traditional datacenters, private and… refocus refocus

If you are in this business, you are well aware of the great work Brian Madden and his team have done in producing fantastic content and guidelines on the topic of Virtualization… A recent blog article, Brian Madden makes some excellent points regarding the current state of Mobility Management,  IT Consumerization and Desktop Virtualization. Mobility Device…

Benefits and Dangers of BYOD – Report

Benefits and Dangers of BYOD – Report

In a July 2012 published report by Osterman Research (available via InfoWorld),   where they survey of 760 individuals with regard to the BYOD issues they face in their organizations. The research found widespread use of third party, cloud-based storage and file synchronization, which are not often supported by the IT organizations… Their report includes benefits…

Microsoft adds Windows 8 Upgrade Course

Microsoft adds Windows 8 Upgrade Course

Just received note that a new course was published  to get tech-folks ready for enterprise-level deployments of Windows 8, specifically on how to go about Windows 8 upgrades. The course, now available at the Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA),  is under the heading Planning and Preparing for Windows 8 and consist of the following modules: Assessing Compatibility of…

Tweets for December 2012

Tweets for December 2012

My Twitter tweets (@jorper98)  for above mentioned period follow: 2012-12-31 01:16:20   Top Five Mobility Lessons Learned In 2012 For CIOs 2012-12-28 17:20:47   Google News Crumbles, And More 2013 Media Predictions 2012-12-20 18:33:17   Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation | Video on 2012-12-20 17:13:34   The importance of the 140 character mission statement 2012-12-20 17:08:40…

Going Paperless: Paper Waste Info Chart

Going Paperless: Paper Waste Info Chart

Even with all of our electronics, digital devices and such, paper waste is still tremendous… A single one-terabyte external drive can save as many as 500 million sheets of paper. A 150-page employee manual — pretty massive in real life — takes up less than 7.5% of a four-gigabyte flash drive. An entire filing cabinet’s worth of…

The Future of Digital

The Future of Digital

  One of the best presentations I have seen regarding digital content. Absolutely full of of fact and bit of info… 137 pages! It covers every aspect of the digital movement.   I can’t think of anything missing… BIG kudos (and thank you) to Business Insider for making it available to all! Highly recommended viewing!…

Tweets for November 2012

Tweets for November 2012

My Twitter tweets (@jorper98)  for above mentioned period follow: 2012-11-30 15:43:31 Start Designing Your Life | #LinkedIn 2012-11-30 15:41:28 How Richard Branson Became the Million-Follower Man [SLIDESHOW] 2012-11-29 18:52:35 Mind blowing infographic charting American money and where it all goes 2012-11-27 17:46:13 Online Marketing Trends: The Tablet Buying Guide :Insights ,Trends and Consumerspeak 2012-11-26 17:40:22 mobile_browser_infographic by techvibes,…

Tweets for September-October 2012

Tweets for September-October 2012

My Twitter tweets (@jorper98)  for above mentioned period follow: 2012-10-30 02:21:45 Marco Tempest: A cyber-magic card trick like no other 2012-10-22 05:20:00 New post: New Samsung Chromebook coming to market #chromebook #jorper98 2012-10-16 02:43:07 RT @Shahkaal: RT @PopSci: Remember when the Nobel Prizes used to be inspiring? This year, they’re inspiring mostly snores. … 2012-10-05 05:53:57 Embrace BYOD, Don’t Shun It, Infinitely…

Tips for Effective BYOD Management

Tips for Effective BYOD Management

The quintessential smartphone has evolved from a high-end consumer product for the executive level business person, to a common man’s necessity. Taking this development into consideration, businesses are now considering implementing Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs with an aim to drive employee productivity using new technology. Managing BYOD Whether you already permit your personnel to bring their…

The wave ahead: Digital Content on 200 Million tablets
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The wave ahead: Digital Content on 200 Million tablets

In one of my previous postings, I talked about the amazing growth of digital content fueled, as of late, by tablet devices.   One industry that is being forced to change leaps and bounds is the publishing industry. Just last week, it was leaked that two major player in this space, Random House and Penguin, were…

Operational Benefits OF BYOD Strategy

Operational Benefits OF BYOD Strategy

The influx of new communication devices and solutions in the corporate environment resulted in the workforce becoming increasingly mobile. Take for instance, remote desktop access and SSL VPNs, which has made it possible for the workforce to make the choice with respect to location and time. Similarly, very many technological innovations have made the concept…

Facebook Effect Book Read.

Facebook Effect Book Read.

I just read (eh-hum) listen to the book Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick which was published back in 2010, but never got around to reading… What a fascinating and intriguing book.   It really is an unprecedented behind the scenes look a Facebook’s journey from its college origins, to raising capital,  to feature introduction, to Twitter compete,…

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

This week, Microsoft was the latest to enter the tablet device marketplace with its Surface device. Earlier this year, Google released the Google Nexus 7 to compete in the ever-growing tablet market place along with iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire, and so many others… (The 2012-2013 holiday season will be an interesting one!)

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

One common thing everyone has mentioned when setting up blogs is that you must be able to track your statistics (not only the people coming in, but also which links within the site are more effective than others, so I 16ot on to searching…    My requirements were simple: easy to use within the administration site  not…

Going Paperless at Home/Office: Introduction

Going Paperless at Home/Office: Introduction

Since the creation of the computer and data storage, people have been making every attempt to transition from their cluttered offices full of paper and rooms (or attics) full of file cabinets into a paperless, streamlined and easy to search environment. As technology has evolved, so has our ability to make the transition into paperless.Whether…

Tweets for August 2012

Tweets for August 2012

My Twitter tweets (@jorper98)  for above mentioned period follow: 2012-08-30 01:55:21   Average Household Has 5 Connected Devices, While Some Have 15-Plus – Bloomberg 2012-08-29 02:33:45   Windows 8 Tip: Virtualize with Hyper-V 2012-08-28 19:08:43   Good tip: How to use LastPass in Windows 8 Metro Internet Explorer (kind of) 2012-08-28 12:56:13   Excellent article:…

What is BYOD?

What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the latest trend in workplace IT deployment and one that all businesses are going to have to address whether they embrace it or not. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is defined by Wikipedia as: ‘the recent trend of employees bringing personally-owned mobile devices to their place of work, and…

Good Photo Gallery Application

Good Photo Gallery Application

For a while now, I have been looking for a photo gallery application.  I’ve tried almost everything, from hosted services to  open source apps (Flickr, SmugMug, 500px, Google+, Photobucket (being updated soon), Gallery, Shutterfly, Facebook (ugh!) and many others.. ) and there is always something missing… I need a workhorse.. (or tug boat!)   As…

Tweets for July 2012

Tweets for July 2012

My Twitter tweets for this month follow: 2012-07-29 18:01:53   Lessons from a big iPad enterprise adopter | ITworld 2012-07-23 22:04:03   BYOD: The CIO Catch-22 | Guest Opinions | 2012-07-22 13:10:03   RT @FastCompany: “Encourage critical thinking during meetings.” 2012-07-22 10:48:35   Excellent article: Evolution of a Home Page: 37signals Basecamp 2012-07-21 06:39:31   Pocket…

Tweets for June 2012

Tweets for June 2012

My tweets & reads for June 2012 follow: Date:Time (UTC)   Tweet       2012-06-28 18:21:27   Good! — The Supreme Court of the United States upholds reforming health insurance in the USA – 2012-06-26 06:42:49   The state of the economy: USA and World. Where are we heading? 2012-06-26 05:14:09  …

Tweets for May 2012

Tweets for May 2012

My Twitter tweets and reads for May 2012 follow: Date:Time (UTC)   Tweet       2012-05-30 15:06:28   Interesting Comments! — 2012-05-30 13:30:50   Good tool: Scheduled sending and email reminders | Boomerang for Gmail 2012-05-30 13:09:59   The Current Status of BYOD: Not Working as Planned at Cisco, IBM ……

MCU in the Cloud

MCU in the Cloud

Article written by Rob West If you’ve got Lync, or another Voice over IP and collaboration solution in your organization, you’ve likely also got another video conferencing solution. Or, let’s say that you only have one, but your clients and partners have another one or two or three. What happens when you want to bridge…

Google+ Hangout On Air –  Genius!

Google+ Hangout On Air – Genius!

  On Monday of this  week Google announced  the general availability of Google+ Hangout On Air. A great very personal “webcast” overview of the service by the Google team can be found  here  or you can listen to it below… [youtube_sc url=T1E__F8eNJ0 width=330]   This recorded session gives an overview of the setup, a professional broadcaster…

Tweets for April 2012

Tweets for April 2012

My Twitter tweets and reads for April 2012 follow: Date:Time (UTC)   Tweet       2012-04-29 00:04:39   Simply amazing…. Apple’s Growth In Context (AAPL, GOOG, MSFT, FB, AMZN) 2012-04-28 18:38:35   @Shahkaal Thanks Sheraz – you inspired me to write a blog post on this topic! 2012-04-28 18:37:28   Blog post:…

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives  Lost  Their Way?

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives Lost Their Way?

  With this week’s introduction of Google Drive,   the conversation about “cloud drives”  has significantly increased amongst the tech community…  But have we lost a bit of focus on what a cloud drive is ? To me,   and granted, I might not be in the majority here, there is a simple definition: To be able…

MMS2012 content available

MMS2012 content available

Could not attend MMS2012 in Vegas this year?   Not to worry! Microsoft has posted all of the PowerPoint and videos for free at regardless if you attended or not.  You can register and browse through the sessions… Thank you Microsoft!! For those of you that want to download the content for offline viewing: Videos:…

Couldn’t make MMS 2012 conference?
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Couldn’t make MMS 2012 conference?

Not to worry!   Microsoft has posted all of the PowerPoint and videos at    regardless if you attended or not, you can register and browse through the sessions…   Thank you  Microsoft!!    For those of you that want to download the content for offline viewing: Videos:   Stefan Roth has created a PowerShell script that will…

Tweets for March 2012

Tweets for March 2012

My tweets / reads for March 2012 follow: Date:Time (UTC)   Tweet             2012-03-31 16:48:56   Dell Expands Portfolio of Desktop Virtualization Solutions for Light IT and Complex IT Environmen… 2012-03-28 22:45:16   Developing A BYOD Strategy: The 5 Mistakes To Avoid 2012-03-28 22:42:30   VMware shows his…

Updated IPD from Microsoft

Updated IPD from Microsoft

The Infrastructure Planning and Design (IPD) guides series have been updated to reflect the version upgrades and changes to the Microsoft product line in the past few months. Definitely worth the review: As a reminder: The series is a collection of documents that leads the reader through a sequence of core decision points to…

Worth noting: Last entry for Encyclopaedia Britannica book.

Worth noting: Last entry for Encyclopaedia Britannica book.

You got to take note about a small piece of yesterday’s news: After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is going out of print, instead focusing on its online encyclopedia,yesterdays Publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia. Not unexpected, but the fact that it was finally announced it is amazing… 244 years!   Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica…

Tweets for February 2012

Tweets for February 2012

My Twitter tweets for February 2012 follow: Date Tweet 2012-02-29 14:29:45 Steven Sinofsky Is The Heir Apparent of Microsoft – 2012-02-29 13:14:34 Great Data & Analysis on Social Media Growth 2006-2011 by #dstevenwhite 2012-02-29 12:51:38 What is Tumblr? by Jonno Rodd – Marketing Freelancer 2012-02-29 05:02:52 Dell is not only a hardware company. eWeek 2012-02-29 04:56:33…

World Internet Usage Statistics

World Internet Usage Statistics

Very interesting statistics on Internet usage  from a global perspective. Couple of things to call out: North America is #3 by number of Internet users North America is #1 by Internet penetration   World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats. Source: Data is as of December 31, 2011.

Tweets for January 2012

Tweets for January 2012

My Tweets for January 2012 follow: Date Tweet 2012-01-31 16:11:21 Nine Startup Tips From Michael Dell 2012-01-30 16:11:46 Hierarchy of Need: Consumerization of IT – what it means for the Architect 2012-01-30 16:09:10 Manage IT consumerization to benefit the company: 5 policy keys 2012-01-30 16:06:33 Consumerization in 2012: Cloud and mobile blurs into other people’s…

Move from Physical Image to Virtual
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Move from Physical Image to Virtual

There are many reasons you would like to convert a Desktop/ Laptop image into a virtual image.  They may include: Backup / easy recovery Want to access your image while on the road Tired of traveling with multiple devices Today is fairly easy to convert a physical desktop/laptop into a virtual one. Although I focus…

Internet Parental Controls Enforced

Internet Parental Controls Enforced

Like many of you parents out there, we have a real issue with  our kids Internet access habits…   They are online at all times, talking to their friends, surfing YouTube or playing multi-player online  games.     The Internet has  become a large part of our everyday activities, so we are not necessarily oppose to these activities, but the…