How to Engage Millennials

How to Engage Millennials

Definitely a current topic! Finally emerging from the shadows of Gen Xers, most millennials are now in the workforce. But study after study has shown that millennials are different from Gen Xers and even from Baby Boomers, the generation that raised them. ” Develop long-term  niche relationships” 2015-09-23T00:00:16-05:00

WaaS – Workspace-As-A-Service Market

WaaS – Workspace-As-A-Service Market

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the Workspace-as-a-Service (WaaS) market, comprised of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Applications, Desktop as a Service, Hosted Applications,  is expected to grow at a a CAGR of 14.6% from $4.8 billion in 2014 to $9.4 billion in 2019.  The WaaS market could potentially be an $8.2 billion market by 2018….

Windows 10 Patch Information is Back

Windows 10 Patch Information is Back

It is good to see that after listening to the feedback coming back from their enterprise customers, Microsoft is reconsidering the publishing of what is included in each of the patches.     In and early report Microsoft said that it would not provide detailed information about most Windows 10 patches.  That plan did not sit well with IT managers…

Do you really know about San Jose?

Do you really know about San Jose?

After LA and San Diego, San Jose is the third largest city in California topping 1M residents, and it is the fastest growing? 20 things you did not know about San Jose, CA 2015-08-28T01:52:30-05:00

Microsoft:  Enterprise Mobility Suite – Thoughts so far

Microsoft: Enterprise Mobility Suite – Thoughts so far

Disclaimer:  I am a technology consultant, and Microsoft products and technologies are my bread and butter. As I have noted in the past, I have been very pleased with the "new Microsoft" and the Mobile First / Could First messaging and direction.   It has been great to see Office 365 being adopted at so many places, and…
| very Funny Stories and Site  People tend to do stupid stuff just to get some attention or gain some popularity…cheap popularity to be exact.  However, some people actually do these dim-witted things without any intention of the sort…in other words, clueless acts of stupid.  These acts, intentional or unintentional, and the discovery of them…

Five Reasons to use CRM in your Business

Five Reasons to use CRM in your Business

You need to do all you can to give your business the edge within the marketplace.  Customer Relationship Management  (CRM) software allows you to keep, maintain, search and centralize information about your customers which in turn increases your ability to focus on business for success.   More information means better relationships.  When you use CRM…

My Son the Author!

My Son the Author!

So proud of my son! He self published his first short story to Amazon! Very cool how Amazon is letting people ( like my son) self publish books.. But really the story is very good and with tons of excellent details about the library… A Tales of Iradathka short piece, get a glimpse into the…

Disintermediated: IT Consulting Firms and System Integration

Disintermediated: IT Consulting Firms and System Integration

Over the last few years, many System Integrators (SIs) and Information Technology (IT) consulting firms have found themselves in trouble as the number of clients decrease and revenue takes a downward trend. In-house IT departments, who’s budgets are cost-centers, are also being affected and in the same category.     What has changed so dramatically within the…

Microsoft: A Platform Agnostic Company  – Yeah!
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Microsoft: A Platform Agnostic Company – Yeah!

My professional live has revolved, in great percentage, around Microsoft and Microsoft technologies.   It has been a good life, but  over the few years it has felt it like swiming against the current because of the major trends out there..    With so much of the market going cloud-services, device independent application delivery, bring-your-own-device,…

VPN Service is a Must Have Today

VPN Service is a Must Have Today

Virtual Private Networks (VPN)  is a technology that  enables a computer to send and receive data across a network  by establishing a connection through the use of dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption. The basic principle is that once you establish a secure connection,  the server handles all of your internet on the back-end which secure…

Working with Elementary OS

Working with Elementary OS

I have several older computers that serve different purposes around the house..  File Server,  Media Server,  etc…   With Microsoft XP coming to an end in April 2014,  I have been exploring alternatives  as Windows 8 nor 7 are viable options…   Again, these are not my primary devices, just single-purpose additional devices which for some reason…

Friday Humor

Friday Humor

I got a BIG laugh when I heard about this on the news last night regarding the issues the healthcare signup website is having. Reporter:   Do you feel confident the issues with the web site will be addressed? Project Manager:  I feel very confident they [ the contrator ] said the issues will be addressed…

What happened to printed encyclopedias?

What happened to printed encyclopedias?

What ever happened to printed encyclopedias? That is a question usually asked by older generations as many of the youth today have never really had a daily interaction with this printed media. Most people today are used to receiving information via their digital books or other paperless mediums that are better for the environment. We…

Going Paperless: Best Practices for Scanning then Shredding Paper Documents
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Going Paperless: Best Practices for Scanning then Shredding Paper Documents

Part of the Going Paperless Series Companies that are making the change to a paperless office want to shred the originals and only keep a digital copy. This is an excellent way to archive documents, but you should follow these recommendations to avoid the loss of a document: Photo Credit: By Jonathan Joseph Bondhus (Own…

Theme Change 2013

Theme Change 2013

Got tired of tweaking and fighting with the now officially retired  iNove theme, so a new theme is emerging on this site… My requirements for this site are very simple. Pick something that is not retired. 🙂 Clean and simple. Fixed with. 2 columns for regular posts. Ability to use custom menus Top Banner can…

Going Paperless: Paper Waste Info Chart

Going Paperless: Paper Waste Info Chart

Even with all of our electronics, digital devices and such, paper waste is still tremendous… A single one-terabyte external drive can save as many as 500 million sheets of paper. A 150-page employee manual — pretty massive in real life — takes up less than 7.5% of a four-gigabyte flash drive. An entire filing cabinet’s worth of…

The Future of Digital

The Future of Digital

  One of the best presentations I have seen regarding digital content. Absolutely full of of fact and bit of info… 137 pages! It covers every aspect of the digital movement.   I can’t think of anything missing… BIG kudos (and thank you) to Business Insider for making it available to all! Highly recommended viewing!…

Tips for Effective BYOD Management

Tips for Effective BYOD Management

The quintessential smartphone has evolved from a high-end consumer product for the executive level business person, to a common man’s necessity. Taking this development into consideration, businesses are now considering implementing Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programs with an aim to drive employee productivity using new technology. Managing BYOD Whether you already permit your personnel to bring their…

The wave ahead: Digital Content on 200 Million tablets
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The wave ahead: Digital Content on 200 Million tablets

In one of my previous postings, I talked about the amazing growth of digital content fueled, as of late, by tablet devices.   One industry that is being forced to change leaps and bounds is the publishing industry. Just last week, it was leaked that two major player in this space, Random House and Penguin, were…

Facebook Effect Book Read.

Facebook Effect Book Read.

I just read (eh-hum) listen to the book Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick which was published back in 2010, but never got around to reading… What a fascinating and intriguing book.   It really is an unprecedented behind the scenes look a Facebook’s journey from its college origins, to raising capital,  to feature introduction, to Twitter compete,…

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

Digital Content Consumption-Tablet Devices in the Driver Seat

This week, Microsoft was the latest to enter the tablet device marketplace with its Surface device. Earlier this year, Google released the Google Nexus 7 to compete in the ever-growing tablet market place along with iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire, and so many others… (The 2012-2013 holiday season will be an interesting one!)

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

Enabled a link redirection within the site.

One common thing everyone has mentioned when setting up blogs is that you must be able to track your statistics (not only the people coming in, but also which links within the site are more effective than others, so I 16ot on to searching…    My requirements were simple: easy to use within the administration site  not…

What is BYOD?

What is BYOD?

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the latest trend in workplace IT deployment and one that all businesses are going to have to address whether they embrace it or not. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is defined by Wikipedia as: ‘the recent trend of employees bringing personally-owned mobile devices to their place of work, and…

Good Photo Gallery Application

Good Photo Gallery Application

For a while now, I have been looking for a photo gallery application.  I’ve tried almost everything, from hosted services to  open source apps (Flickr, SmugMug, 500px, Google+, Photobucket (being updated soon), Gallery, Shutterfly, Facebook (ugh!) and many others.. ) and there is always something missing… I need a workhorse.. (or tug boat!)   As…

Google+ Hangout On Air –  Genius!

Google+ Hangout On Air – Genius!

  On Monday of this  week Google announced  the general availability of Google+ Hangout On Air. A great very personal “webcast” overview of the service by the Google team can be found  here  or you can listen to it below… [youtube_sc url=T1E__F8eNJ0 width=330]   This recorded session gives an overview of the setup, a professional broadcaster…

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives  Lost  Their Way?

Google Drive: Have Cloud Drives Lost Their Way?

  With this week’s introduction of Google Drive,   the conversation about “cloud drives”  has significantly increased amongst the tech community…  But have we lost a bit of focus on what a cloud drive is ? To me,   and granted, I might not be in the majority here, there is a simple definition: To be able…